
Want to know what happens to you after you die? Science has the answer

Humans have always wanted to know what happens to us after death. Some believe that their souls travel to heaven or hell, others believe that we are soon reborn, while most favor the belief that we simply sink into oblivion.

Regardless of which group you fall into, the findings of a new study are sure to shock you. Wondering what happens to your brain when you die?

Scientists have found that the individual's consciousness works even after his heart stops beating. This means that he is somehow trapped in his body and may even hear the doctors when they announce the time of his death.

dr. Parnia himself took a close look at some cases cardiac arrests across Europe and the United States. Despite having already been declared dead, the patients remembered what was happening around them during the resuscitation process after their hearts beat again.

Dead or alive?
Dead or alive?

Parnia is in conversation for the portal LiveScience told that people accurately described conversations between doctors and nurses, as well as visual images, which could be detected. At the same time, the medical staff admitted that they the mentioned things really happened.

Patients were aware of what was happening around them.
Patients were aware of what was happening around them.

A team of researchers is currently focusing on a study based on studying the brain after death. First of all, he wants to find new precise methods, which would contribute to the development of science in this field.

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