Sommelier is a profession that is usually associated with wine. Did you know that there is also a sommelier for water?! And what does this questioned expert do? Just like wine sommeliers do. In restaurants, he advises guests which type of water goes with which dish. But every water is the same. Well, in truth, just like wines, bottled waters are also quite different from each other, and the only water sommelier in the USA, Martin Riese, will be able to tell you more about this.
Sommelier for water is one of the last "fashionable" culinary trends, and the profession has emerged in 2005 in Italy. Such sommeliers are able to recognize different types of water by taste and advise guests which water to drink with certain food.
READ MORE: Evian & Alexander Wang – because good water is art
You may think that the choice is very limited, but let's not forget that in addition to normal waters, there is also the one with bubbles (mineral water) and this can have a very different amounts of CO2 gas and different content and type of minerals. With fish, they recommend water with as few minerals as possible and without bubbles, with meat mineral water with a lot of CO2 and a lot of mineral deposits, with pasta water with a sprinkling of bubbles and with dessert water with sweet mineral deposits. Even more, let him trust you Martin Riese, the only professional water sommelier in the US.