
Water your plants with this miracle concoction and they will grow like crazy

Photo: envato

What do you water the plants with? There are a number of unusual substances that can be used in place of water that can bring many benefits to your plants, from promoting growth to improving disease resistance.

Most people use when watering plants only water. But there are also unusual alternative watering methods that can bring many benefits plants.

Why would you ever decide to use unusual substances to water your plants?

There are several reasons. First, many of these substances contain nutrients, minerals or other ingredients that are beneficial to plants and can contribute to their health and well-being.

What do you water the flowers with? Photo: Vlada Karpovich / Pexels

Secondly, the use of unusual substances for watering allows us to we recycle and reuse various waste ingredients. Additionally, using alternative watering fluids can also lead to better plant growth results, as some plants may respond better to certain ingredients than regular water.

Nevertheless, it is important to know that some unusual substances they are not suitable for all plants and can cause negative effects if used incorrectly. Therefore, before using any unusual watering liquid, it is important to familiarize yourself with requirements of individual plants and make sure that the use of such substances will be beneficial and safe for our green companions.


Beer is not only a popular drink but can also be used to water plants. It contains useful nutrients that can improve plant growth and help with formation lush leaves and flowers. Beer can especially benefit flowering plants such as roses, lavender, carnations and dahlias. The water used to dilute the beer must not be carbonated, as the gas could harm the plants.

Beer. Photo: Engin Akyurt / Pexels


Tea contains antioxidants and other beneficial substances that can improve plant health. In particular, loose leaf tea such as green tea, black tea or herbal teas can benefit houseplants such as philodendrons, begonias and myrtles. In addition, plants in the garden, such as tomato, basil and paprika, take advantage of the benefits of watering with tea.


Milk is another unusual substance that can benefit plants. It contains nutrients such as protein, calcium, magnesium and potassium, which are vital for plant health. Milkweed can especially benefit leafy plants such as green plants, peppers and tomatoes. Watering with milk can also help control pests such as aphids.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a popular household remedy, but it can also benefit plants. It contains minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that can improve soil health and encourage root growth. Apple cider vinegar is especially beneficial for plants that grow in acidic soils, such as rhododendrons, blueberries and azaleas. It can also help eliminate mold and fungal diseases.

Boiled vegetable water

The water in which we cooked the vegetables contains many nutrients that can benefit the plants. It is especially suitable for plants that need rich soil and a lot of nutrients, such as tomatoes, pumpkins and carrots. This water can promote root growth and improve soil health.

Milk. Photo: Pexels / Pixabay

Egg shell

Eggshells are rich in calcium and other minerals that are essential for plant health. They can be added to the soil or used to prepare homemade fertilizer. Plants that reap the benefits of eggshells include tomatoes, pumpkins, strawberries and peppers.

bicarbonate of soda

Baking soda is useful both in the household and in the garden. It can be used to regulate soil pH and eliminate mold. Watering with baking soda can benefit plants that grow in alkaline soils such as tomatoes, cucumbers and pumpkins.


Coffee contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are key nutrients for plants. Watering your plants with coffee can encourage root growth, improve soil health and encourage flowering. Coffee can especially benefit acidic plants such as azaleas, camellias and hydrangeas.

Eggshells. Photo: Larissa Deruzzi / Pexels

Yeast powder

It is a rich source of nitrogen, which is essential for plant health. Watering with a yeast solution can promote plant growth, improve soil health and increase disease resistance. This method is especially useful for plants that need a lot of nitrogen, such as tomatoes, peppers and pumpkins.

Each substance has its own specific benefits and can benefit certain types of plants. By experimenting, you can find the best solutions for your plants and encourage them to grow and bloom. Just remember that you need all the substances use sparingly and carefully, to prevent possible harm or side effects.

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