
Waytools TextBlade: Collapsible Pocket Keyboard

At a time when smartphones and tablets dominate every step of the way, the Waytools TexBlade QWERTY keyboard transforms typing performance with its lightweight and compact design. "Multitouch" technology and an ultra-thin case make the pocket keyboard indispensable.

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Waytools TextBlade
The price

Keyboard Waytools TextBlade, at a third the size of the iPhone 6, is the thinnest QWERTY keyboard and slips easily into your pocket. It connects to devices via smart bluetooth with the lowest energy consumption and also allows a full-screen view, while still maintaining all the advantages of using a touch screen.

READ MORE: 101touch: a new and colorful generation of touch keyboards

The Waytools TexBlade is redefining typing performance with its lightweight and compact design.
The Waytools TexBlade is redefining typing performance with its lightweight and compact design.

The keys, which use a very precise mechanism, give a feeling of quality and connect perfectly with the space bar. It's made of a thin, specially designed lithium polymer battery that, like the rest of the TextBlade keyboard, charges quickly on each USB port.
The price of the keyboard is approx 85 euros.

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