
You've always used WD-40 wrong: When do you actually use the straw that comes with it?!

Not sure why it's there? It's time to discover her secret!

Photo: Jan Macarol

WD-40 is one of those tools that we all have around the house, but we rarely think about how we use it. Spraying all over? Yes, of course, why not! But believe me, the straw that comes with it is not just there for decoration. The real secret of WD-40 is right in that tiny straw that we all love to ignore. Have you ever thought why you should befriend her? Let's see together why this straw will actually change your life.

At first glance, it is WD-40 a simple product that you spray where you think it needs to be and then move on. But those who invented this miraculous liquid knew that it is not always enough to just spray widely. Some problems require precision - this is where the famous straw comes into play.

1. For hard-to-reach places

A straw makes it possible for you, to reach those impossible places where the nozzle would otherwise struggle. What are these places like? Well, think of the hinges on the car doors, the locks, the bolts on the wheels, or the internal parts of household appliances, where you don't want everything around to be sprayed. The straw points WD-40 exactly where you need it, without unnecessary clutter.

2. You save precious liquid

Photo: Jan Macarol

If you've ever had the feeling that you WD-40 runs out faster, as I would expect, it's probably because you're using it wrong. If you spray it all over, you simply lose a lot of liquid before it even reaches the problem area. The straw ensures that every milliliter WD-40 it reaches exactly where you need it most, saving you precious fluid – and money.

3. Better protection against rust and corrosion

WD-40 is known for its ability to protect metal from rust and corrosion. But when you apply it all around, without the right direction, it doesn't always reach the hidden corners where rust likes to develop. The straw helps you protect even the less obvious parts, ensuring a longer lifespan of the metal parts of your favorite things - from bikes to gardening tools.

Photo: Jan Macarol


4. Less clutter

Let's face it, sometimes it takes WD-40 can be very... chubby. If you apply it to larger surfaces, you can create a real mess. A straw allows for a much cleaner application. It is especially useful in interior areas where you don't want the liquid to spread all over your valuable furniture or equipment.

5. Special projects that require precision

If you are tackling more creative projects, such as restoring antique furniture or machine parts that require precision, a straw is your best friend. It gives you control and precision that you simply cannot achieve with classic application.

Photo: Jan Macarol


So the next time you reach for your favorite can of WD-40, take a moment to think about that little straw. Instead of leaving it lying in the corner, proudly attach it to the nozzle and enjoy the benefits it brings you. Your WD-40 will thank you – and so will your hinges, locks and tools!

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