
We are painting school walls for a Guinness record

We are painting school walls for a Guinness record  

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10 Slovenian primary schools, Slovenia
Facebook event
Entrance fee

We are painting school walls for a Guinness record


Helios wants to help create a stimulating environment for primary school students. With the help of volunteers, on Saturday, May 18, Helios experts will repaint selected premises of ten Slovenian elementary schools, and at the same time, on this day, we will try to set a Guinness record for mass painting of interior wall surfaces. We will gather between 9:00 and 10:00, and at 11:00 we will try to set a Guinness record.

We will paint at the following schools:

·         Gorenjska region: Elementary school of Tone Čufarje Jesenice

·         Central Slovenian region: Primary school Domžale

·   Central Slovenian region: Majda Vrhovnik elementary school in Ljubljana

·         Pomurska region: Elementary school Puconci

·         Podravska region: Elementary school Prežihovo Voranc Maribor

·         Savinjska region: II. elementary school Celje

·       Notranjsko-karst region: Dragotin Kette Elementary School in Ilirska Bistrica

·         Savinjska region: Elementary school Šmarje pri Jelše

·         Southeast Slovenia: Elementary school Loka Črnomelj

·         Lower Posavnia region: Primary school XIV. of the Senovo division


More information about the project is available on the website www.bravamo.si.

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