
The weather girl - the neighbor's friend

Let's not wait for the sun's rays to break through the fog, but let's drive along the coastal highway with confidence in the gray morning.

We stop at the Ravbarkomanda gas station and head to the Marché restaurant. For those who like to learn about the cuisine of foreign countries, instead of coffee, we order black Indian tea Chaičino, based on milk with the addition of fragrant spices: from ginger, cinnamon, to cardamom and with more rather than less sugar. What will be on our plates should be a matter of momentary inspiration, as thinking about it would cause too much of a dilemma. We would really prefer to try everything: bite into a richly filled muffin, try juicy sandwiches, colorful cakes and large pieces of potica. But all excesses have their price, and there are still many pleasant experiences ahead of us, which it would be a shame to spoil with stomach aches, so let's enjoy a little and then move on.

Neighbor's friend

Let the proud Nanos serve as our orientation, which appears from afar as our good neighbor. And you could say that on the other side it is kept company by its slightly smaller (1027 m) friend - Vremščica, covered with forests and wide meadows. Its reputation is also based on the characteristic karst and mountain Mediterranean vegetation and the exceptional view. Its mild forms make it possible to climb it from all sides in all seasons, without strenuous slopes, through the forest and across the scenic meadows. We may only be held back by an excessively exuberant gale. However, the wind is welcoming to the various sailors and gliders that can be seen climbing to the top. A popular starting point is Senožeč, the largest settlement in the Senože valley, through which important routes from the sea to the interior have always led. Senožeče is located at an altitude of 580 m at the foot of the Old Castle (675 m) along the old road Postojna-Koper, which climbs to the north to Smolevsky Klanec. At the top of the slope there is a watershed between the Black and Adriatic seas, so let's be careful not to miss the highway exit. Thus, the main road brings us to the settlement, where we leave our vehicle in the parking lot opposite the nice church and follow the markings to set off. Even earlier, let's take a look at the large information board with natural and cultural attractions and cycling routes in the surrounding area, which we can use as a hint for the next trip. We follow the markings through the settlement, which give it the special stamp of an old karst house. Let's continue crossing the meadows, where we will also meet sheep, as the locals in these places are quite engaged in sheep farming. If we climb Vremščica again in the warm summer months, the meadows full of flowers will be an additional delight for flower lovers, who can also discover some species that in Slovenia can only be found on the neighboring Nanos.

Wind peak

After an hour and a half of pleasant walking, with easier climbs and a rugged path, suitable even for the youngest hikers, we arrive at the highest point, which the locals also call Mount St. Urbana, after the church that once stood on it; its door is said to be always open precisely because of the storm. Today, there is an orientation board at the top with marked sides of the sky and the names of the mountains. In good weather, the view opens up to the sea and the distant Dolomites in the west, in the north to neighboring Nanos and the Kamniški Alps, in the east to Snežnik, in the south to Brkinov and the valley of the Reka river with Slavnik and other hills. Let's find a lee, look around, warm our hands and body with the hot tea we brought from the valley, find a tangerine full of vitamins in our pockets, bite into it and then start to return. It goes down faster, and the long-awaited lunch is probably the reason for this. In Senožeče, you can visit the restaurant Na ravni, which is known for its typical Slovenian dishes. Their doors are open every day, except Thursday and Friday, from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. We will be served Karst fuži and tarragon struklji in the Pri jama inn if we drive to Matavun, a settlement in the municipality of Divača. They are open every day from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. After lunch, we have many opportunities to explore, as the surroundings of Divača hide many attractions and natural beauties. And even if we decide that it's enough for this time, let them remain in our memory for the next time: Divaška Prag, Brkini, Reka gorge, Divaška jama and other places. It is best to look at the tourist offer on the website of the Municipality of Divača and plan our next destination among the places described. But let's not forget that the essence lies in the experiences on the way and not only in the destination.

Info Box

PE Ravbarkomanda, Javorniška pot 7 a,
Senožeče 2, Senožeče, (05) 756 61 30
Matavun 12, Divača, (05) 763 29 61
Kolodvorska street 3 a,
Divača, (05) 731 09 30,

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