
Websites Every Movie Fan Should Know

Are you a fan of cinephile sites? Then you're probably familiar with the website imdb.com, which contains a database of almost every movie ever made, as well as an average user rating. Many believe that the site is no longer as reliable as it once was.

That's why we've looked for some alternatives that might convince you.

Rotten Tomatoes


Another heavyweight, but famous for the fact that in addition to user reviews also contains critical reviews, which are given in the ratio of positive to negative reviews. Nowadays, more and more people rely on 'rotten tomatoes', but many of them do not understand that if a particular film has rating 98 %, that doesn't mean it's anywhere near perfect, just that it was liked 98 % critics.



A website with the simplest name is very similar imdb.com and also its direct competitor. There are actually no differences between them, with the exception of two. The first is, yes imdb.com also contains a database of television series, while movies.com unfortunately does not. The other is that imdb.com allows you to watch movies only through the provider Amazon, while its competitor also via Netflix or iTunes.



In addition to reviews, this website also contains full information about the films themselves. So you can read a lot more about the films themselves stars and film creators, and in addition Allmovie.com it also enables ongoing activities that are also present at imdb.com. The difference between them is that at Allmovie.com it is possible to search for movies in much more detail, and in addition, the website itself suggests potential candidates for future viewing.



He is known among film lovers as Facebook for film buffs. The website enables the member to create his own profile, with which evaluates films, it says reviews, and all this is shown in the log. Members can keep track of each other and also reveal their tastes in different scales. The website is also beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

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