For couples who favor alternative ways of swearing eternal fidelity, wedding rings in the form of tattoos are a great solution. A tattoo wedding ring is a cute, minimalist and simply beautiful symbol of love.
Wedding rings like tattoos? Tattoos with initials they are a sweet way to covertly let others know who you really belong to. The possibilities are truly endless! If you are advocating new trends, you can opt for a unique one unisex choosing a wedding ring in the form of a geometric diamond tattoo. Or for a minimalist ring that represents the infinity of life together. Do you ever say that you love each other "to the moon and back"?
What if the symbol for your life together and fidelity were the elements of the universe, e.g. planets, planetship, moon or sun? Think outside the box! You could also tattoo an important date in your relationship, which will always remind you of important milestones in your partnership. What do you say?
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We have selected quite a few good ideas for you in the gallery below. Find out which one wedding ring in the form of a tattoo that suits you best.