
Weekend Media Festival 2016

From September 22 to 25, 2016, we will meet the latest media trends in Rovinj. More than 120 speakers and around 4,000 media, marketing and PR experts will take the stage in four days in the premises of the old tobacco factory.

Important information
Old tobacco factory, Obala Vladimira Nazor 1, Rovinj
Facebook event
Entrance fee
400 €

He is on the list of lecturers Shawn Pecas Costner, who worked in the music industry for 18 years and managed the promotion of musicians such as Rihanna, Young Jeezy, Rick Ross, Ludacris, Big Sean and many others. Today, the executive director of to Roc Nation Sports, a sports management company owned by a famous hip-hop singer Jay Z. He is also on the list of lecturers Lazar Džamić, director of strategic planning at several London creative agencies and one of the first digital strategists in the UK to present the recipe for successful advertising by creating successful advertising messages. They will also be guests of the festival Jarno Vanhatapio and Magnus Emilson, who are behind the Swedish fashion online store NA-KD.com, which delivers products of leading global brands to more than 100 countries around the world.

The radio is coming back through the main entrance! At the Weekend panel, they will explain why advertising budgets are growing for a medium that until recently was claimed to have no future, and which innovations have enabled the resurgence of radio. Innovations will also be discussed at the panel on technology blockchain, on which the most famous currency bitcoin is based and which enables unlimited possibilities in banking and public services.

Within 9. Weekend Media Festival the BalCannes regional magazine and the SoMo Borac awards will take place again (more at somobrac.com). The music program has always been one of the biggest assets of the Weekend Media Festival, and it will be the same this year, as they will be the festival September 22, 2016 opened by the band's musicians Cold beer.


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