
We ALL fear it: 10 things we are NEVER prepared for

We ALL fear it: 10+ things we are NEVER prepared for

The beauty of life comes at least in part from its unpredictability. However, there are certain things that we are never prepared for, even if we sense that some of them are inevitable.

On the Reddit website, users wrote down which things we are never really ready. We've collected the answers below!

10. Living with chronic pain

If we are lucky enough to live a long life, there is also a pretty good chance that sooner or later we will have to come to terms with living with chronic pain. 

9. The tyranny of the majority

It rarely applies the "right" or "best" principle. As a rule, laws are formed according to the pressure of the majority. It is hard to come to terms with the injustice that supports it. 

Keeping friends becomes more and more difficult.
Keeping friends becomes more and more difficult.

8. Realizing that it's hard to keep friends

When we are young, we often take close friendships for granted. But in reality it is not so. Friendship takes a lot of work and it often happens that even close friendships fall apart. 

7. Coping with dementia

Dementia-related illnesses are becoming more common. If someone close to you falls ill with one of them, it is difficult to deal with it. 

6. Meeting your ex

When we meet an ex-partner after many years, our feelings can completely surprise us. It is difficult to know in advance whether we will be happy about the meeting or whether it might make us angry, sad or something else. 

5. Childbirth

No book, person or video can truly prepare you for the birth process. It's an experience you only understand when it's behind you. 

4. First heartbreak

You can't prepare for your first real heartbreak. When it comes, you learn to process it step by step. 

After college life, everyday becomes a little more monotonous.
After college life, everyday becomes a little more monotonous.

3. Death of parents

Whether we are young or old, we are never truly prepared for the death of our parents.

2. Transition from studies to work

The transition from a flexible student life to a working environment where the days are very similar and there is significantly less free time is a very stressful experience for many. 

1. First apartment

Buying your first home is such a big event that we can hardly imagine it until it happens.

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