
We all do it wrong when we drink from a can!

Did you know? This is a mistake many people make when drinking from a can!

We all open a can of beer with great pleasure and consume it without thinking about where the can was before. Its path to our hands is "paved" with bacteria and dirt, through which a can of beer travels before reaching the store shelves.

In times coronavirus, when we know that we can na cans virus it remains active even for three days, but it is caution much more necessary!

Dust, dirt, feces and animal remains, as well as bacteria and viruses are just some of the "inhabitants" found on beverage cans, according to various research institutes. If you want to reduce the risk of infection - also new ones COVID-19 – you have to the can even before you open it and consume it the expected sip, clean thoroughly!

Where was your beer and who was touching it all?!

As you would wash your dirty hands, before eating food. It is recommended to wash the can with soap and water or dish detergent. If you don't have this on hand and you're terribly thirsty, disinfectants or antibacterial wipes will also help.

Analyzes of cans show that samples from drink machines are still slightly cleaner than those we buy in stores, so they are a slightly safer choice, and it is also desirable that, regardless of the origin of the "can", the latter we always clean, so that we don't get infected.

One of the most common bacteria found on cans is E. coli, a microorganism that normally lives in the human intestine, but when infected causes various diseases. Escherichia coli can also cause cholelithiasis, pneumonia, as well as sepsis, so it is better to prevent this and wash the can than to have to treat it. Nowadays, it can also be found on cans COVID-19!

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