
What do celebrities read? #infographics

What books do celebrities read?

Are you interested in what celebrities are reading? What do we find on the shelves of Oprah Winfrey, David Bowie, Bill Clinton, Stephen King, Madonna, Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin and characters from shows like Sheldon Cooper (Big Popcorn) and Dwight Schrute (The Office)? Or what kind of literature did the late names such as Ernest Hemingway, John Lennon and Albert Einstein refer to? Here's an infographic showing what literature celebrities swear by.

When famous they open the doors of their luxurious villas to the public, we usually see swimming pools, a rich car fleet, trophies, vast gardens, cinemas, dining rooms, dressing rooms,... but they never show us their bookshelves. But world-famous people also read, don't they? At Bid 4 Papers have therefore checked what some big names swear by, including the author of Game of Thrones George RR Martin, Bonus and Richard Branson.

READ MORE: 7 Business Books That Give You More Than an MBA Degree

Who would have thought it was Stephen King read Harry Potter and Marilyn Manson the bible? Check out the other interesting revelations in the cute infographic that bares the bookshelves of famous people. You might get another by accident idea for summer reading.

Which book found its way onto the bookshelves of celebrities?
Which book found its way onto the bookshelves of celebrities?

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