
What they really want: This is what men really look for in the woman of their dreams

Photo: Envato

Just like women, men are committed to finding the RIGHT PERSON to share their world with and make them an even better person than they are now. And what kind of woman is it?

Polygamy is supposed to be evolutionary written in the blood of mankind since the creation of the earth. Therefore, the idea of commitment to one person and eternal love should only be considered as Western constructs, which force humanity to live by the rules which they are not written on their skin. This is probably where the numbers of disappointment come from, when we finally realize that the people we were in a relationship with are not "THE RIGHT ONES". And explaining why some men and women can't settle down, rather, they are constantly longing for new partners.

Modern civilization is based on certain rules, which in some places command that it is polygamy prohibited by law, which reinforced the idea of the eternal even more strongly of love and devotion to one person.
So there are men and women who believe they will find RIGHT a creature that will become their whole world. And for some it is the most important decision in life.

This is what men really look for in the woman of their dreams:

APPEARANCE: strong connection and attractiveness

There are many men in the world who have many tastes and preferences regarding attractive women. And the biggest mistake a woman can make is to try to catch a specific similarly perfect woman instead of becoming the best versions of herself.
Only in this way will she increase her chances, strength and effectiveness to attract the man she wants to conquer. Women tend to focus on the things they hate about themselves, while men tend to focus on the things they love about women.

PERSONALITY: common future

He shares his passions with her.
Men are desperately looking for a partner with whom they can share their passions. And if a woman actually shows interest, this act is accepted as sacred in the eyes of a man. They feel that it is a connection on a higher, deeper level.

What is her personality like?
What is her personality like?

She has her passions too.
A man likes to explain his ideas, thoughts and passions, but it also counts for him to have a woman by his side who will not neglect her passions for his. It's about both having their own goals, which then become a whole. It is important that to a large extent these passions also match, otherwise they will cause a lot of conflict because they will work against each other without even realizing it. And this results in frustration, anger, sadness... and the breakup of the relationship.

SEX: compatibility

Love is sometimes not enough and it is clear that sexuality plays an important role in any relationship. The fact is that every man (and woman) needs it. If you underestimate the importance of sexual relations, problems may arise in the future, because this area of life is just as important as other areas. Think about it!

Are they sexually compatible?
Are they sexually compatible?

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