
What ghosting means: 8 messages you can send if you think your partner is losing interest in you

Photo: Bruno Emmanuelle/Unsplash

Have you ever met someone who piqued your interest and hung out with them a few times, but then they either stopped responding to your messages or didn't respond until a few days later? The so-called "hosting" does not awaken the best feelings in anyone, but it does not mean that you have to accept that the relationship has ended. We have prepared 8 messages for you that you can send if you feel that your crush is losing interest - these will reveal to you whether she really does not want a potential relationship or maybe she simply did not have time.

If it happened to you that the chosen one is yours all of a sudden stopped answering or he took it for each new message more time as before, then surely you ask, if something is wrong. And many times you have right.

Research shows that it is 91% of dating app users have already ended the relationship with the so-called ghosting or that they are stopped responding to messages. There is no such way respectful, but you have to realize that a lot of people aren't the biggest fans directness and that this kind of interruption does not mean that you are did anything wrong- many people simply find that they are still in a serious relationship he is not ready and decides to an easier way, i.e. "hosting".

But there is always the possibility that the person for quick answers simply she didn't have time– it has happened to everyone that we had too much work, so that we could even think about dating, or we encountered the unexpected personal problems. Therefore, we suggest that the situation with sympathy clear up– so will you absolutely clear, is it worth it, yes you invest energy or it is best to end the relationship. We have prepared for you 10 messages, which you can send if you think that your potential partner losing interest.

Ghosting is not the most pleasant thing for anyone Photo: Mart Production / Pexels

1. "We haven't heard from each other for a while. Do you still want to talk?"

Many people do directness he's afraid because he's afraid of rejection, but you have to realize that you're going to be like that knew exactly, is it still worth the relationship invest energy. Also, don't feel like you're going to fall out desperate- there is no need to be ashamed of having an interest.

2. "I would love to see you again sometime."

Send this message especially if you feel that the person you are interested in is not the kind of person who would constantly talked over messages. Many people are not the most "talented" for such a method, but by no means does not mean, that he has lost interest in you. But if the situation is different, you will at least be direct knew immediately, what are you doing.

3. “Hey, I'm on my way to practice. Do you have any musical ideas?”

It is for many people music the language of love, and in addition, this way you will know if you have a similar crush musical taste. Nevertheless, we warn you: if the conversation does not start in this way or the person immediately after the proposal again stops answering, this is a bad sign.

For many people, music is the language of love Photo: Tirachard Kumtanom / Pexels

4. "You won't believe what happened to me today."

One of the foundations of a healthy relationship is without a doubt relaxation and there's no reason why you shouldn't talk to a crush the same way you do with friends. In addition, such a conversation starter will reveal to you whether the person at all you are interested.

5. "Would you like to go out for pizza today?"

Socializing with delicious food pizza provides relaxation, but at the same time it will show whether the person wants to be with you to see. If your potential partner says yes, sorry he doesn't have time, wait, or it will suggested another date. If he doesn't, you've got your answer.

6. “Hey, we haven't talked in a while. Is everything OK?"

Short and concise the question will give your crush opportunity, to explain why her answers suddenly became less frequent. But be careful: many people will try to face it to avoid so that he will pretend that everything is fine or that he made it up an excuse. Here it is imperative that you are a little bit resourceful and to monitor how communication is going in the future.

Be short, to the point and direct Photo: Jenny Ueberberg / Unsplash

7. "It was nice to meet you, but I think we have different preferences."

Send this message if you feel that the person is only interested occasionally, frivolous socializing. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, but there's no reason to continue the relationship if they're yours wishes different.

8. "How was the meeting?"

This message is most appropriate if you feel that it is a person very busy and that this is the most likely reason for late responses. We suggest you ask him about the meeting, the meeting, entertainment... about which she explained to you when you last seen.

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