
What does it mean if we feel hungry soon after a meal? These are the "culprits" that stimulate the appetite!

Photo: Junior Reis / Unsplash

Do you wonder why you constantly feel hungry? Why does it seem like no matter how much you eat, you have no problem eating more? These are the culprits that stimulate the appetite!

Every day we face the challenge of how to saturate the body so that it does not keep calling out: "More!"  However, a larger amount food is not always the answer. There are several factors that stimulate the appetite and affect the feeling of hunger. Hormonal imbalances, wrong diet and insufficient number of meals are just some of them.

But how to deal with this constant hunger, which sometimes even leads to overeating?

Appetite-stimulating culprits

Proper nutrition

One of the biggest mistakes people make is that their meals are not balanced. Most people eat too many carbohydrates and not enough protein and fat.

Would you eat the whole world? Photo: Pixabay

The meal must contain all three essential macronutrients: carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which together form a healthy diet. Complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, pasta and whole grain bread will keep you feeling fuller for longer, making you feel less hungry.

A selection of snacks

If you are constantly hungry, chia seeds are a great choice. They are rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids and upon contact with water, they develop into a pudding-like structure that will keep you full for a long time. In addition, herbal teas, especially those with fresh mint, can reduce appetite. For snacks, opt for nuts and fruits that contain a lot of water, such as oranges, apples or cucumbers.


Often we replace hunger and thirst. Sometimes your body just needs water, not food. Before deciding on a meal, try drinking a glass of water. Herbal teas, especially with fresh mint, can suppress appetite, while coffee stimulates hunger. Many fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers, oranges and apples, are high in water content, which keeps you hydrated and reduces hunger pangs.

Watch what you eat. Photo: Pablo Merchan Montes/Unsplash

A balanced lifestyle

Proper nutrition is key, but so are regular meals and enough of them quality sleep play an important role. Insufficient number of meals and lack of sleep promote hunger. Make sure you eat three main meals and two healthy snacks. Getting enough sleep will regulate the hormones that affect hunger, which will reduce your desire for food.

With proper nutrition, wisely chosen snacks, enough hydration and a balanced lifestyle can put an end to constant hunger. By maintaining inner balance and a healthy lifestyle, you will find the way to lasting satisfaction and well-being.

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