
What turns men over 30 on the most?

Photo: Envato

Do men just want it fast, dirty and no holds barred? Maybe. However, according to a survey by the website LeAffair, the desires of men over 30 and those younger are noticeably different. So what turns men over 30 on fire the most?

Gentle, and not dirty and rough! Believe it or not: you are a man over 30 in bed they want romance the most. Kissing and gentle, slow sex are in the first and second place of their desires. Then comes oral, then normal sex (whatever that means), then sex with women in sexy lingerie and high heels, S&M games, and threesomes. Taking pictures or filming during sex is out of the question!

Men over 30 swear by romance. It is true?
Men over 30 swear by romance. It is true?

What is the situation with younger men?

Boys/men in their twenties are, at least according to this survey, ready to experiment. Sexy photos and videos? That's great for them! Sex with several people at once is also among the first five wishes.

What do you two swear by? Check with this quiz, where they will find out if they are sexually compatible.

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