Regular chalk can make your life a lot easier. Buy it and put it in the fridge. But why? It will solve a common and annoying problem.
Have you ever smelled an unpleasant odor from the refrigerator? This happens due to the mixing of the smell of different foods, which often results in an unpleasant smell. It's even worse if something has been in it for a long time and starts to spoil. Moisture in the refrigerator only worsens the problem. The solution is simpler than you think.
Yes, the solution is ordinary chalk.
Chalk placed in the refrigerator will act as a moisture and odor absorber, so it will solve two problems at once. It is so simple and very effective. Just put some chalk on each of the shelves in the fridge and you'll quickly notice the difference.
Ordinary chalk is not toxic, so there is nothing wrong with it on the shelves next to food.
However, we advise that it does not come into direct contact with food. It won't hurt you, but chalk isn't food anyway.
This simple moisture and odor absorber works great. Just remember to replace the chalk with a new one from time to time.
How often?
It depends on the size of the refrigerator, the number and type of stored products. In any case, it must be removed if it gets wet or when its color or consistency changes.