
What happens when a woman feels you don't appreciate her?

Foto: Unsplash / Aiony Haust
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"Respect tells me how far I can go when I approach another, and how far I can let the other go in order to still feel safe in my dignity." - Alenka Rebula

When a woman feels disrespected, she begins to question her worth. She will wonder why everything she does, all the effort she puts into your relationship, is still not enough for you. She will wonder if she is missing something, if there is something wrong with her, if she lacks something. She will wonder what you actually want from her, what else you need.

When a woman feels unappreciated, her eyes will be opened. In her mind, she will replay all the stories and ways she helped you and all the times you kept her waiting or hurt her.

She will realize that you do not respect her, that you do not work for your relationship. She will become disappointed and resentment will start to appear in her. She'll start complaining about how little you appreciate her, how you never thank her, how rarely you actually look her in the eye and remind her that she's important, that you love her.

Postala bo razočarana in v njej se bodo pričele pojavljati zamere. / Foto: Unsplash / Leonsa

When a woman feels that you don't value her, she will slowly stop directing her attention to you, to your relationship. She will assume that you do not perceive her energy that she invests in your relationship, she will no longer see the point of helping you. She will slowly see no more sense in you.

When a woman feels unappreciated, she will wonder if you still need her. She'll wonder if he'd even notice if she left. Would you even care? Why are you still with her?

When a woman feels unappreciated by you, she will begin to question whether you are the right person for her. She will wonder if there is someone out there who would be different to her, if there is someone out there who would appreciate all her care and love.

She feels unloved. It feels invisible. No, he doesn't need your constant attention. He doesn't need praise every time he does something. But when weeks, months,... go by without any praise, hug, kiss, she thinks you don't care. It seems to her that you take her for granted, that you don't realize that she loves you, that you don't even see her.

When a woman feels that you don't value her, she will start thinking about leaving you. About leaving. Different scenarios will run through her head. She'll wonder if she'd be better off without you, or if it's really time for her to leave.

Then she will realize that she deserves something more than someone who just takes and doesn't give her anything, who doesn't appreciate her. Someone who never tells her "thank you", who never hugs her. She'll realize she's done all she can for someone who thinks she should do more!

If you want to keep it, you have to value it. Send her a good morning message. Tell her she's beautiful. Thank her for the little things she does throughout the day. Never let her get to the point where she feels unappreciated. Because as soon as she starts feeling that way, you'll start losing her.

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