
What happens when we distort stereotypes and replace women in advertisements with men?

Advertisements are full of stereotypical images that very narrowly define the ideal of beauty and social roles and, despite the declarative emancipation of the sexes, are still too often based on lived-in, patriarchal values, not to mention the departure of female and male images from the norms of authenticity. But what happens when we apply female stereotypes to men? The video has the answer.

How susceptible we are to cultural constructs and how the world around us is merely a product of our perception, he showed an experiment with special glasses that literally turned the world upside down for the participants upside down. After the initial 'rejection', after only a fortnight their eyes are closed adopted an imposed reality, the brain adapted and a new, 'real' reality was born. Similar of psychology advertising is used, which serves distorted images in the service of capitalism through the media. really wrong world! And just replacing a woman as a sexual object with a man in an ad is enough we overlook, how deep we have gone astray.

READ MORE: What happens when 25 Photoshop enthusiasts play with a girl's picture

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