
What has a better effect on your body: coffee or tea?

Photo: Candice Picard/Unsplash

Coffee or tea? Should we choose the invigorating power of caffeine that coffee offers, or should we turn to the beneficial herbs in a cup of tea?

Coffee or tea? Starting the day with a delicious cup is a ritual. Find out which of these two popular drinks suits your body better, because they have incredible benefits!

Coffee and tea are both rich in antioxidants and contribute to metabolic health. Although some people start their day with orange juice, milk or plain water, most people prefer a cup of tea or coffee. Although both drinks are popular, the question arises as to which of the two has more benefits. Caffeine content in different teas and coffees, it varies depending on the brewing time, the preparation method and the size of the drink.

Let's see which of the listed drinks contains the most caffeine and which has the least.

How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee or tea?

Tea? Photo: Mareefe / Pexels
  • Coffee: 96 milligrams of caffeine
  • Coffee with milk: 86.4 milligrams of caffeine
  • Ice coffee: 74.4 milligrams of caffeine
  • Black tea: 48 milligrams of caffeine
  • Green tea: 28.8 milligrams of caffeine
  • Decaffeinated coffee: 0 to 15 milligrams of caffeine
  • Herbal tea: 0 milligrams of caffeine

It is clear that most coffee drinks contain more caffeine than tea, even in the case of some decaffeinated drinks. So, coffee or tea?

Coffee? Photo: Emre / Unsplash

Coffee for alertness and antioxidants

Coffee is known for waking us up and refreshing us in the morning. In addition, it is an excellent source of antioxidant polyphenols and caffeine. These substances support cognitive function, reduce the risk of memory loss and have a positive effect on the health of the brain, liver, diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Research even shows that regular coffee consumption helps reduce body fat, especially in women.

Soothing tea and many health benefits

On the other hand, tea, especially green and black tea, has its own unique benefits. Teas are also rich in antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Green tea, for example, is linked to cardiovascular health and can help regulate digestion.

In addition, tea contains less caffeine, which makes it more suitable for those who want to reduce their intake of this substance, such as pregnant women.

How did you decide? Coffee or tea?

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