
What does his body language reveal?

A man's body language

We can often tell what someone is really thinking just from their body language. Words say a lot, but body language is even more direct and often reveals what should otherwise remain hidden. And while women are more able to control their body language, men are much less used to manipulating their bodies. Check what his body language reveals. PS: These are satirical illustrations, so take everything with a pinch of salt.

You know what it reveals his body language? His body language reveals the meaning of many of his actions. Find out what he's communicating when he leans forward during a conversation, what he's saying crossed arms, etc.

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Learn to read men like an open book.
Learn to read men like an open book.

Decipher his body language to read him like an open book! Communication always takes place on a non-verbal level, and what we sometimes want to hide through verbal communication, our body involuntarily betrays. Many studies show that people trust non-verbal communication more than verbal communication, so it is important to understand what certain body language means.

What does his body language reveal?

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