
What do intelligent people have in common? Everyone goes to bed late.

Night has its power. Darkness is like magical stardust, it's the time when children run away from home, when runaways start moving again, when life under the sheets comes to life, when girls lose their virginity, when boys get into trouble, when naughty thoughts come alive, when we sleep or dream to the sky, when we count the moments and when we have time for ourselves. No wonder intelligent people have taken her as their own and love her company.

A night it's more than just that. Night is also the time when we curious for the things we are ashamed to think about during the day, the night is the time to go crazy we fall in love, when with his super power- theme– we can cover up beauty flaws and let the day deal with it. Night is the time we become poets, writers, philosophers, martyrs and criminals. With the darkness out of the bag, we put the regrets we have accumulated during the day on the table and let the tears finally come to our eyes. It's night a synonym for passion, for romance, for trouble. At night we become someone else, at night we take off our masks, if not all, then most. Night is the time for things that are 'sensitive' to light. So mysterious and therefore so seductive.

But who do you become when the night spreads its wings?
But who do you become when the night spreads its wings?

No wonder there are those people who give in to the night and succumb to it charm more intelligent nature like those who go to bed early. Those who get drunk with moon energy they are also more creative and more open heads, as those who live by the principle of "the early bird catches the worm". At least that's what we can conclude from the results research, which he performed on Americans in their twenties »Psychology Today". The high level of intelligence of a person who is night Bird is much more likely than the one who he gets up with chickens. Intelligent individuals go to bed later, not only in a week, but also over the weekend. Sleep pattern and intelligence are therefore strongly connected, and this is what is behind it now science. It's really strange that Slovenian has the majority idioms associated with the moon and the night are both negative, but for English e.g. not true.

Night is a chapter unto itself.
Night is a chapter unto itself.

READ MORE: Imaginative photos of children fighting monsters of the night

A study of 'connections' time when we go to sleep-intelligence goes deep back, v ancient times, when people mostly followed the sleeping pattern he dictated sunrise and sunset. More curious and curious but they are this pattern violated and created their own. And this 'blasphemy' natural cycle has had more and more followers ever since. Are you one of them? And if you don't feel like doing it intelligence test just find yourself in the hours below, which indicate when those with high go to bed IQ-em and when the one with the lower one, and you will get the answer.

Low level of intelligence (IQ < 75)

During the week: 23:41-7:20
Over the weekend: 00:35-10:09

Normal level of intelligence (90 < IQ < 110)

During the week: 00:10-7:32
Over the weekend: 1:13-10:14

Very bright (IQ > 125)

During the week: 00:29 – 7:52
Over the weekend: 01:44 -11:07

Parents wind up the clock for children if they disobey and go to bed too late. Hmmm, maybe these are early signs of a high level of intelligence rather than insubordination.
Parents wind up the clock for children if they disobey and go to bed too late. Hmmm, maybe these are early signs of a high level of intelligence rather than insubordination.

They say yes the early bird catches the worm, but the other mouse gets the cheese. And what do those who stay up longer get for the dessert of the day? They get it time to dream, whose busy schedule during the day suffocates more than any pillow wanting and crying, they are not sheep, who consider social norms to be dry gold and inflexible, have more open head and they are proactive, which means that they know how to take responsibility for their actions, that they seek mental food that stimulates personal growth and yes they take risks, because life is far from being without risk fun.

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