
What is the perfect male body in different parts of the world?

What is the perfect male body in different parts of the world?

Designers from all over the world have used Photoshop to create photos that show how society in different parts of the world perceives the perfect male body. If you're scolding your loved one for their 'beer belly', stop. In some other country, women would fight for him!

Are you worried because you have a little more on you, something 'to grab'? You still believe that all women in the world only fall for the perfect one abs and toned muscles? Well, it's time for that theory to fall. It turned out that that none of it really matters. Or at least slightly less likely. At Superdrug they recently decided to find out what it is like ideal male body Worldwide. So they sent a photo of a fairly normal man 19 different designers around the world and gave them one task: make it perfect, make it ideal. The results are in the gallery.

READ MORE: How the perfect male body has changed over the last century and a half

Gallery - What is the ideal male body in the world?

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