
What does an empathetic man want from his partner?

Empathetic men do not choose to be sensitive, vulnerable, nor do they learn to be. That's just how they are!

What does an empathic man want in an intimate, romantic relationship? Everything you want yourself! Below is a quote from Franklin Madison that perfectly sums up what an empathetic man wants from his partner!

"There are days when I wish I could be the classic, heartless man who doesn't care what others do or feel. But I just can't do that because I was raised by women, my grandmother, my mother, my sister. They helped me understand how to deal with the women in my life.

When I look into a woman's eyes and see a certain expression in them, I ask her: "How do you feel? What is bothering you? Do you need to talk?” I learned that we as a man there is no need to have all the answers, so I bound that little monster inside me who wants to do anything for the woman she loves. Instead, I stop, put my phone down, turn off the TV and just sit and focus on her, just listen to her.

There is nothing wrong if the man in the relationship is caring, empathetic and shows real feelings with which he shows that he is vulnerable. The men who decided to help raise the “pankrt” that I am taught me that it's okay to feel what I feel. Because they loved me, they protected me and shared life lessons with me.

Keep in mind that there is no perfect person or perfect relationship. Two people can come closer to perfection when they communicate, when they apologize, when they set common goals, when they compromise, and when they truly understand the definition of love and its reciprocity.

Love is a plant, if you water it it will grow!
Love is like a plant, if you water it, it will grow!

If two people agree to commit to each other, to grow together, to have common and personal goals, then both are striving for a long-term relationship, for a relationship that will be easy, comfortable, and cherished.

Love is like a plant; if you water it, it will grow!

A partner who has chosen to be a part of your life is a gift. And if it offers you the peace, security, direction and respect you seek, then you have something worth cherishing!

What do healthy, empathetic men want in an intimate, romantic relationship?

1. A partner who is emotionally available.
2. Someone who is thoughtful.
3. Someone who loves himself and strives to become even better than he is, and for me.
4. Someone who will be as proud of me as I am of him, and who will hold my hand, hug me and kiss me anywhere, anytime. Intimacy.
5. Someone I can tell when I'm having problems with myself and him, because we don't discuss relationship problems men to men. Because we will fix it ourselves, we will not share the problems with others. Especially with those who have no values towards relationships.
6. She who understands that I have a heart that works like hers and sometimes hurts me.
7. The one who values me the way I value her, someone who will strive to have me in his life.
8. Someone who will be funny, spontaneous, who doesn't take everything so seriously that he can't appreciate dark humor.
9. Someone who doesn't see in the fact that I cook, clean, wash the floor... that I'm less of a man, but a partner who understands and doesn't expect a woman to do everything. Everyone has to do their part so that not all the boring work is on one person, we share the responsibilities.

Someone to love no matter what!
Someone to love no matter what!

10. Someone who understands that even though I can't build a house with my own hands, I'm the man who can look after her baby (even though it's not mine) and keep it healthy, fed, safe, happy, even when she's not home and went out with friends for coffee.
11. Someone who understands that I am imperfect. A person who remembers what good I have done.
12. Someone who appreciates my calm demeanor, just because I don't get upset when she's upset doesn't mean I don't care, that I don't care. But just to process things differently, I try to control my emotions and think rationally. It's enough for one to be scared, isn't it?
13. Someone who understands my dark side and won't run away when he sees me like this, but when the time is right, he will ask me what I feel without assuming what I feel.
14. Someone who will understand that even a man can be tired sometimes. We are exhausted because we have to be competitive at every moment, worried about money, paying bills... And sometimes we just want to hear from someone that everything is going to be okay.
15. Someone who isn't so shallow that they only see the outside, because appearances change, but the love for each other remains, and in the end, that's all that matters.
16. Someone who has good oral hygiene. Don't laugh. My teeth are clean, but yours?
17. Someone who won't run away when things aren't easy because I never run away or cheat (yes that's exactly what I said) because I've been cheated on and I know how devastating it is and what it takes to pick yourself up and make it up to a normal state.
18. Someone who will speak to me respectfully. Because I will strive to be this way towards her as well. And what if I slip? Can I count on you?

Someone to explore their sexual taboos with.
Someone to explore their sexual taboos with.

19. Someone who appreciates some sarcasm, because sarcasm is an art. When you're having a serious, in-depth conversation with someone, there's no time for sarcasm. It's time to listen to what your partner has to say. Sarcasm can be interpreted by the other party as an attack on them. The right moment means a lot.
20. Someone who wants good sex. Good sex can include many things: creativity, laughter, submission, dominance, role-playing... Anything that both partners agree to. Sometimes you just want quick sex, sometimes you want to make love. You need to recognize the differences between the two of you and trust each other's desires, what I want and what she wants. Some bring a lot of stress into the bedroom, which affects the quality of sex. Especially in men. If we are stressed and you add more stress to us... we have a problem.

I want two more things: don't test me and don't hurt me. We all have our limits.

I want someone who understands that if I want it all, everything on my bucket list, I'm not weak or attention hungry, I'm an empath. I feel deeply and sometimes I need time to recharge, to be better for myself and for her.”

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