
What bothers you in a relationship according to your astrological sign

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Are you possessive? Resentful? Are you hiding behind your mask of indifference? We usually don't see our mistakes. Step in front of the mirror and look deep inside yourself! What are you like when you see yourself as you are, without masks?

If you tolerate things in a relationship that the other person wouldn't, or if you find yourself dealing with the same type of problem over and over again, psychology will offer some good explanations about the patterns you operate on, the triggers you respond to, your temperament and personality.

But astrology also has its own guidelines that are valid and meaningful. Let's look at them according to each astrological sign.


In a relationship, you are caring but possessive, you shower your partner with love and affection, and everything is wonderful until your partner feels suffocated. Your need for control is what will create a problem in your relationship and start a pattern of ending your relationships. The person leaves, ignores you, or betrays you.



You are committed to your partner and your long-term future, but once you experience a betrayal, even if it was just your betrayed expectations, you just can't forgive him. You have a hard time forgetting the wrongs of the past and you cling to resentment and condemnation. Your partner will get tired of trying to win back your trust because there are some things you just can't get over.


Gemini is considered superficial and fun, your sub-sign is - flirting. You need an adventurous and spontaneous partner with whom you are never bored. When you begin to feel the monotony of everyday life, you move on to new conquests, looking for new excitements and confirmations of your invincibility. You don't know how to nurture a love relationship in an uncontrolled everyday life.


You hide your vulnerability in a hard shell, and when you open up to someone and show them all your "soft parts", you bond permanently. Your biggest problem is not letting go of a dysfunctional relationship in which you can no longer do anything constructive. As a rule, you cling to your love for years, thus blocking all possibilities for a new relationship.



Leos are considered uncompromising and arrogant, but this is a mask that suits you very well. At the beginning of a relationship, you show strong self-confidence, but as you gain trust, you can easily open up and show your insecurities and vulnerabilities. If, of course, you manage to overcome the fear of manipulation and betrayal.

A virgin

Astrological perfectionists are endlessly tolerant and tend to nurture a toxic relationship in the hope that with their stability, reason, organization and analytical skills they will overcome and circumvent all the shortcomings of an insecure, narcissistic and immature partner. In all other areas of life, you understand and live the values. But in relationships, you fight against them because you have to give up something that isn't going well and that makes you unhappy, because you see it as your failure.


You are the ruler of astrology when it comes to successful relationships. You are known for your generous nature and kindness, you like to maintain close relationships and invest a lot of love and understanding in them. Your biggest problem is giving too much - you need to learn to set boundaries!



You are passionate and the intensity of your love is all-encompassing and magical. If someone hurts you, never forgive them, no matter who that person is. You don't give second chances. We all make mistakes, remember that!


Your weakness and problem is a lust that is hard to resist. You are very generous, which is a problem when you are in love, because then you don't really see the other person - you give yourself completely. If the other person completely surrenders to you and if you feel safe, you create a long-term relationship with them.


You are determined to achieve stability and do whatever it takes to make the relationship work. If you get emotionally involved, it means you need to commit and start a family. You are so focused on goals that you cannot even judge whether you are with the right person or not. Everything leads you only to gaining status and showing the right image in public.



You are a dreamer with your head in the clouds. You are faithful as long as you have freedom. It kills you when your partner becomes possessive and wants to control you. Because you are so independent, you can become emotionally distant. You need a partner who has the mental strength and tenacity to open up to you and commit to your love.


Pisces is the most emotional sign of astrology, bearing the blessing and curse of close relationships. You shower your partner with affection and freely express all your emotions, which can overwhelm and frighten the other person and make you think that you are unstable. You have a hard time dealing with your feelings, and it can be devastating for your partner.

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