
What is the most astonishing fact about the universe?

The most astonishing fact about the universe.

When we ever look up at the sky at night, we are usually only aware that we are part of the universe and that we are in the universe. But far more astonishing is the fact that the universe is within us. Therefore, when you look at the sky and feel small - because we humans are small, and the universe is infinitely large - we should really feel big, because our atoms came from the stars. From the stars that, when they disintegrated like a dandelion that we "blow", scattered their core across the galaxy. The core is rich in oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and other ingredients important for life.

One of the most popular astrophysicists Neil deGrasse he says he is the most astonishing fact about the universe, that the universe is within us. That they are atoms and the elements that make up the human body, come from stars that once lived galaxies away, create a special the bond between us and the universe. And this is also what we strive for in life. We want to be connected, important or relevant and have the feeling that we are an active part of what is happening around us. Just check your Facebook activity.

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Neil deGrasse reveals the most astonishing fact about the universe.
Neil deGrasse reveals the most astonishing fact about the universe.

Learn more about the universe, atoms, stars, perspective and man in an interesting video that will give you a fresh outlook on the world and life in general.

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