
What is your skin really like? [video]

Stunning footage reveals what effect UV rays really have on our skin and how easy it is to protect ourselves from them. The video was created as a practical demonstration of the effect of UV rays on the skin and aims to show how the protective cream works. Australian filmmaker Thomas Leverrit's videos now reveal how UV rays damage our skin and how easy it is to protect ourselves from them.

For comparison, see how the UV camera sees your skin?!

This is what your skin looks like in daylight...

This is what your skin looks like in daylight…

Most people are aware harmful effects of the sun's rays, but also how important it is to stay out of the sun adequately protect. But there are still those who do not protect their skin enough or products they are not used for sun protection at all.

And UV light reveals the true effects of the sun on your skin.
And UV light reveals the true effects of the sun on your skin.

Videos Australian filmmaker of Thomas Leverrit now they reveal how UV rays damage our skin and how easy it is to protect ourselves from them. Leverrite in his UV the video shows how sun protection products successfully block the harmful effects of the sun.

UV camera shows exactly how effective a sunscreen product can be. People are used to being told about the scientific quality of a certain product, but when we can finally show it to them, the effect is much deeper and more emotional," he said. Leverrite, who decided to cooperate with NIVEA brand, as this way his impactful message can reach more people and convince them to protect their skin.

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