
What it means to be in love with his soul

Photo: envato

It's easy to fall in love with what's out there. It's easy to fall in love with the idea of being in love or with someone's personality. It's easy to fall in love when everything is beautiful and perfect. The real challenge is to fall in love with someone's soul, with the very essence of their soul.

When you fall in love with their soul, you also fall in love with their darkest parts. Fall in love with parts that are far from attractive to you. Fall in love with the darkest, saddest parts of their soul.

Fall in love with their demons, trauma, sadness and brokenness. Fall in love even on days when you no longer recognize them as the person you once fell in love with.

The love of two souls. Photo: Edgar Chaparro/Unsplash

When you fall in love with their soul, you fall in love with their morals and values. Fall in love with what they believe. Even at times when they are struggling with their own belief system. Fall in love with their soul when you see that their values and morals reflect what makes up their soul.

When you fall in love with their soul, you fall in love with the depth of who they are. Some people are made of galaxies and constellations. Some people have the whole universe inside of them and that's what enchants you. Not everyone has this kind of universal beauty within them. Not everyone has that much depth and substance in them.

But when you are in love with someone, you fall in love with the depth that person contains. You want to delve into how their mind works, just so you can unlock the mystery of their thoughts.

They are simply destined for each other! Photo: Toa Heftiba / Unsplash

You want to dwell in the sound of their laughter because it contains light. You want to dive into their heart just to understand their grief and turn it into something stronger and invincible.

When you fall in love with their soul, you love them exactly as they are, and that raw version of their true, authentic self as well.

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