
What makes us happy or why are people happy?

Why are people really happy?

Why are people happy? What makes us happy? The reasons are varied, as happiness comes in many forms. It can be a walk in the park, watching a movie, licking an ice cream or watching the sunset. And while these are all real reasons for happiness, scientists have discovered the true essence of happiness. And this is bringing out the good or the best qualities in others.

Why do we live if not to be happy? And although the above theory seems to be the essence of our happiness eliciting good qualities from others, because this makes us happy as a result, in complete contrast to the world we live in - where it is walking for success modern mantra - but University of California, Berkeley psychology professor Dacher Keltner, Ph.D., says it is sympathy our strongest instinct.

READ MORE: Infographic: world map of happiness or where in the world people are happiest

Survival of the fittest.
Survival of the fittest.

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