
What do our eyes say when we lie and hide our feelings?

What do the eyes say when we lie? When we hide our emotions? When we think about our relationships?

Before we discover what our eyes speak when we lie we need to explain the importance of establishing basic determinants. This is the first step in recognizing other people's lies. Basic determinants characterize a person's behavior in normal circumstances when he or she does not feel threatened.

Sit down with the person you want to "read" - a child, spouse, friend - and talk to them casually about neutral topics about which there is no point in lying, such as the weather. Observe their posture, behavior and tone of voice. Once you have identified the basic determinants, you will be able to identify some of the typical gestures that people make with their eyes. If you observe behavior that differs from the basic determinants, you "got" them.

What are they saying our eyes when we lie?

1. Eyes covered

Covering and hiding the eyes occurs when people don't like what they see. You will also notice this when they feel threatened. By doing so, they reject what they see or hear. Eye covering can also take the form of eye rubbing and frequent squinting, which can indicate astonishment, disbelief or disapproval. This is actually an innate behavior - children who are born blind cover their eyes when they hear bad news.

2. Pupilometry

The pupils dilate when you see something stimulating or are in dim light. If you're excited, your pupils dilate so you don't miss the comfortable environment. Advertisers almost always show women with wider pupils in their ads to make their product look more desirable. When you see something negative, your pupils tear up to block out what you don't like.

3. Squinting and squinting

People often squint or squint when they don't like someone or what they're saying - this shows doubt. If you notice this in the interlocutor, ask them what is bothering them.

4. Alignment and mimicry

Imitation or matching is mirroring the behavior of another. You can imitate other people's eye movements to build rapport. Be careful with this, it's hard to subtly imitate someone because it can quickly become creepy and/or forced.

5. Eyes and courtship

Eyes are an indispensable component of courtship and seduction. Let's look at some such gestures.

  • women form a higher arch of the eyebrows - this makes them look fragile and helpless, and this look actually releases hormones in men that make them need to protect and defend the woman;
  • women have a habit of raising their eyebrows and lowering their eyelids a little, which is sexy - remember Marilyn Monroe;
  • occasionally looking at a person often attracts his attention;
  • men often do not notice a woman's first look - the first sign of seduction, on average a woman has to repeat this 3 times;
  • looking over a slightly raised shoulder emphasizes the lines of a woman's face and neck, this is a great seduction move.

6. Observation

Looking at someone can be an intimate activity. But if you stare at that person longer than usual, you can show your disapproval.

There are 3 types of staring at someone:

  • social - this type means a triangle from eyes to mouth, is not aggressive and shows relaxation;
  • intimate - if you are intimate with someone or want to be, you will look them in the eyes, to the mouth and lower in the body; if someone looks at you like that, it means that they have very intimate thoughts about you;
  • showing strength - this is the triangle between the eyes and the forehead, they avoid the intimate areas of the mouth and body.

7. Looking away

This look usually indicates uncertainty about the information and the need for more details, with raised eyebrows it can mean suspicion or criticism.

8. Lightning sight

Such a look always means that the person does not feel safe and is trying to find a way not to talk to you.

9. Glasses

Research show that women who wear glasses and make-up make the best business impression. People wearing glasses and looking over them appear intimidating.

10. Direction of view

There are many studies, who study gaze direction when lying. Usually people who lie and use their imagination look up and to the right. Looking up and to the left, they are trying to remember something.

Of course, you also need to know their natural movements, because e.g. this does not necessarily apply to lefties.

Here are some more guidelines:

  • look to the right - thought associated with sound (remember some songs);
  • look to the left - visual thought (remember the color of the shirt);
  • looking down to the right - creating a feeling or remembering a feeling (what it would be like to swim in foam);
  • looking down to the left - someone is talking to themselves.

As you can see what our eyes say when we are lying is not always easy to recognize and therefore you should never take it lightly.

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