
What to do if you forget to apply deodorant under your armpits?

No deodorant? Don't panic!

Many women panic when they realize at work or on the road that they forgot to apply deodorant under their armpits during their morning ritual. But this is the worst thing you can do if you forget to apply deodorant under your armpits in the morning. Because when you panic, you start to sweat, and the sweat brings a stench. We usually repel this with deodorants. You can see how real these kinds of women's problems are in the comic clip, and we entrust you with a simple solution for such cases below.

What to do if in the morning under the armpit forget to apply deodorant? Press your hands together and stay away from people? No. The solution can be found in hand sanitizer, which you can find in almost every public toilet, but it can also be found in many women's handbags. If it's not in yours yet, it will be after you realize that it can save you from such awkward situations as smelly armpit.

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And how to use it hand sanitizer as deodorant? For grain size, apply it to each palm and gently apply under the armpit and wait for it to dry.

No deodorant? Don't panic!
No deodorant? Don't panic!

And why does it work? Because it contains alcohol, which not only destroys bacteria, but also accelerates the evaporation of sweat.

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