
What to do when an earthquake happens, if you are at home, outside or in the car

Photo: envato

When an earthquake happens, the first advice is to not panic.

What to do when it happens an earthquake? Do not run to avoid danger, it is best to drop to the ground, curl up and protect your head.

Be calm and collected.

Be aware that some earthquakes are just initial shocks and that the next, stronger one may soon follow.

What to do during an earthquake if you are in the house

Seek shelter in safe places in the house, such as: door frames, load-bearing walls, the space under the table, solid furniture and stay there throughout the earthquake, or cover your face and head with your hands and take refuge in a corner of the interior walls of the building.

Move away from glass, windows, exterior walls and doors, and anything that could fall, such as chandeliers or shelves.

If you are in bed, get down next to the bed and protect your head.


Stay indoors, until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside (research has shown that most injuries occur when people try to get out of a building during an earthquake).

You can go outdoors from the ground or first floor, but be sure to keep a safe distance from buildings.

As long as the earthquake lasts, avoid stairs and elevators. Do not use the elevator.

Don't go to terrace or balcony. Do not keep shelves above the bed.

If you are near or inside a tall building, se avoid glass and exterior walls.

If you are in a public building (school, business, shopping center, recreation center or store) – keep calm and avoid panic. Avoid the crowds of people running in panic towards the exits.

Always have it ready lamp and transistor receiver with spare batteries. Immediately shut off all sources of electricity, gas and water. If you were using any heat source, turn it off when the earthquake subsides.

If it happens fire, try to extinguish it and notify locally fire rescue unit.

If it is necessary and you are able, join the rescue teams from the ruins and get involved in the search and help of the victims under the ruins of the collapsed buildings.

What to do if you are outdoors during an earthquake

Move away from street lights, electrical cables and buildings, the greatest danger is near buildings, at exits and along exterior walls.

If you are on the street, take care of objects that can fall on you, such as chimneys, roof tiles, broken window panes and the like. Protect your head with hands or purse.


What to do if you are in a moving vehicle during an earthquake

Stop it, if traffic safety allows.

Avoid stopping near buildings, trees, overpasses or power lines.

After the shaking stops, proceed with caution. Avoid roads, bridges or ramps that may have been damaged in the earthquake.

What to do if you find yourself under rubble during an earthquake

Don't move. Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or cloth.

Hit a pipe or wall so rescue teams can find you. If you have a whistle, use it. Only shout if it's a last resort. Screaming can cause dangerously large amounts of dust to be inhaled.

Instructions for behavior after the first shock of an earthquake

Be prepared for extra vibrations. If the building is damaged, due to the possibility of a stronger earthquake, leave it calmly, without panic and in order - mothers with children, the elderly, the sick, the disabled, etc.

If you are in a damaged building and smell gas or see broken cables, do not light candles or matches because of the risk of fire and explosion.


Check to see if anyone is injured. Do not move severely injured persons. Follow the instructions of the competent authorities.

Use the phone only in emergencies so that the phone lines are not overloaded.

Do not use cars in order not to obstruct the rescue teams in carrying out their tasks.

Avoid entering the house, especially if it is damaged, smell gas or see damaged cables.

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