
What to do when you cross the line: When your friendship turns into something more

What to do when you cross the line: When your friendship turns into something more

Some believe that friendship between a man and a woman is not possible. What do you think? But what can you do when they cross the line and the friendship turns into something more?

The beginning of a friendship between a man and a woman always acting innocent. You slowly get to know each other, share your thoughts, communicate more and more intensively, talk about intimate things... After that, there usually comes a moment when you start to realize that you and this person are you see in a completely different situation that you miss the person and that you want them to be always by your side

You notice more and more that you don't care anymore when he tells you about his romantic feelings for another person and that he started digging into you the worm of jealousy … it means that you have left the friendship zone and now everything is about to change.

If the worm of jealousy has begun to burrow inside you, then you have already crossed the line.
If the worm of jealousy has begun to burrow inside you, then you have already crossed the line.

Then you have to admit to yourself that you want your relationship to change and it's time to make sure you're on the same wavelength. Be honest and admit your feelings to the other person, but also be prepared that these feelings may not be mutual. If you get an agreement that someone only sees you as a friend, yes withdraw. In this case, you will try to revive your old relationship emotionally too exhausted.

If the love isn't mutual, back off.
If the love isn't mutual, back off.

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