
What to do when your partner wants more "freedom" in the relationship?

Photo: envato

Does your partner demand more so-called "freedom" from you? Are you afraid that something is wrong? The truth is that your partner's need for space is not necessarily related to you.

When partner requests more freedom in the relationship, maybe a reason to smother him with your attention.

Women have incredible problem solving skills and are emotionally intelligent. They are always attentive to the needs of others and try not to suffocate anyone, while at the same time satisfying their own needs. However, it may be that their partner needs more. There's nothing wrong with that and it doesn't mean he doesn't love you. He simply needs his time and space.

When the male partner demands more freedom, it is important to keep understanding. There's no need to overanalyze what you did wrong or how things could have been different. Just accept it as a natural need and let him find his inner balance. By giving him space, you show love and respect.

Why does he want to have his own place? Does he not love me anymore? Photo: Jay Rane / Pexels

Every relationship needs one balance between shared time and space for the individual. You too are entitled to time for yourself where you pursue your interests. This will benefit both of you and deepen your relationship even more.

1. Space for retreat

When a man experiences stress, he often withdraws. This is not always due to problems in the partnership. Men often find it difficult to express their feelings because they think it is a sign of weakness. They like to solve their own problems and feel lost when faced with problems beyond their control. They need a place where they can retreat and find solutions. This need to withdraw is not personal, but their way of coping with stress.

2. How to react correctly

The biggest mistake you can make is forcing a man to talk about his problems or trying to solve problems for him. With this approach, you are telling him that you do not believe in his ability to solve challenges. Instead, give him space and allow him to find solutions on his own. When he feels supported, he will want to share his thoughts and feelings.

3. Space in a long-term relationship

When a man needs more space in a long-term relationship, it shows unfulfilled needs and a lack of understanding. Men often do not know how to express their emotional needs, so you can help them with this. It is important to pay attention to subtle signs and talk about how the connection between you can be improved.

Like you, he also needs time for himself. Photo: Anna Tarazevich / Pexels

4. The right approach

Try to pay attention to what turns your partner on or off. Ask him how you can help him feel better. Accept what he tells you. It is important to establish a dialogue that will allow both partners to be satisfied.

Accepting and respecting your partner's need for space will strengthen your bond and allow you to build a stronger relationship.

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