
What to eat to melt belly fat? 5 foods for a slimmer waistline

A flat belly without fat is the dream of almost every woman. How to get it, what to eat to speed up the melting of fat?

With the flood of chiseled images that we are witnessing on social networks today, it is not unusual for us to dream of a flat stomach and a fit body. However, the path to this is not so simple. Besides regular exercise it is also necessary to take care of proper diet. This is the food (and drink) that is supposed to help you melt away excess fat around your belly.

Oats and barley


Instead of rice or potatoes, treat yourself to delicious boiled barley or oats with your meal, because according to research, these should American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, helped melt dangerous fat around the belly. You should thus treat yourself to at least three portions of whole grain foods a day. They are especially recommended oats and barley, which are rich in fiber and should not raise blood sugar as much as white or brown rice.

Green tea

Green tea
Green tea

Green tea has always been known as a magical fat burner. Its secret fat-soluble ingredient is said to be an antioxidant catechin. In the study in Journal of Nutrition gave individuals to drink green tea and some other catechin-free drink for 12 weeks, and at the same time they had to do about 180 minutes of light exercise every week. At the end of the study, those who drank green tea lost 7.4 percent more fat around the belly like others. Namely, catechin stimulate the metabolism and accelerated fat burning.

Walnuts and almonds


Including some nuts in your diet could help you lose belly fat. In the study in Archives of Internal Medicine divided 1,200 adults into three groups where they ate differently. In one of the groups, they ate a little less than 30 grams of nuts (mostly walnuts) per day. Only in this group are individuals reduce fat around the belly. Other studies also indicate the positive effects of nuts, but of course you should not overdo them. Nuts should otherwise contain fiber, protein and good fats.



V studies at the University of Michigan in the US, rats fed high-fat and low-fat diets also received 2 percent of their daily caloric intake from blueberry powder. After 90 days, they are all rats lost some belly fat, and the loss was greater in those on a low-fat diet. Blueberries contain anthocyanins, which are supposed to affect genes in such a way as to regulate fat metabolism, researchers claim. One cup of blueberries a day is said to have similar effects in humans.

Fermented foods


What does fermented mean? It's a process natural pickling, where certain foods become more nutritious, as their amount of vitamins, minerals and enzymes is supposed to increase, which is why they are also easier to digest. Such dishes should be, for example miso, tempeh and sauerkraut. It should also be excellent kombucha, a fermented beverage or tea, which contains all the benefits of fermented foods in the form of a drink, and should also have probiotic effects unsweetened Greek yogurt. Choose foods that have five or more types of probiotic cultures in one serving.

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