
Women's Day: what to give besides flowers?

Women's Day is an important day that has been celebrating the social, political and economic achievements of women since 1911. It is precisely because of the struggle of our predecessors that women from all over the world today enjoy many more rights than they used to. And for this honor, ladies deserve to be honored every day, not just on March 8. Surprise your loved ones with a little something and pamper them like queens.

The labor movement at the beginning of the 20th century also stimulated discussions about important roles of women in the world. And since then, Women's Day, March 8, is not just an ordinary day, it reflects the long-standing struggles of women for empowerment in society. This day was celebrated for the first time in 1911, and it was celebrated in the movement of female surfers, a fighter for women's equality.

In modern society, Women's Day is synonymous with flowers, but we often forget about the mentioned combat component. We are used to being for Women's Day Ladies, buy something, at least a flower, but if you're going to buy something more, make sure the gift is meaningful.

Think carefully about it, what your gift represents. Does it reflect female power? The gift doesn't have to be expensive or luxurious, it's about surprising your ladies and letting them know you're lucky to have them in your life. Make their day special and give them more than flowers.

A ticket for a theatre, opera, ballet or concert

Your sweetheart probably has a favorite artist and prefers a certain branch of art. Think about which artists perform in your city or area. You can hardly go wrong with such a gift, because probably every person wants to be a part of the gossip that takes place live. Memories, which you will create together on this day, will be with you forever. And that's what counts.

A ticket for a theatre, opera, ballet or concert.
A ticket for a theatre, opera, ballet or concert.

Relaxation voucher

Wellness centers they are waiting for your dear. Although she may never complain that she needs rest and pampering, cuddling in a wellness or SPA center will still be a chore for her. You know her best: if she likes company, go out together; if she urgently needs a break without 'familiar faces', prepare it for her day, which she will remember. It will be on this break for sure gained new powers!


If she likes your expensive trips and your pocket allows you to finance a vacation, then go on one foreign land or this time you pay summer holiday. You can also connect with her friends and ask them if they might go with her to a destination she has been wanting to visit for a while. In this way, after a long time, you will bring together friends who, due to obligations, find it difficult to organize themselves and go to rest.


A home accessory

Even if we women are constantly told that we hate tidying and cleaning, most of us do happy, if it is ours home arranged. And that's why we're always buying some new accessories, accessories, decorations to beautify it. Think about what things would make your sweetheart happy.

If you have more funds, then buy her some quality accessory device for preparation coffee. You will also surprise her with a cheaper gift, the only important thing is that know, what he wants.

Voucher for shopping

It may seem that buying a shopping voucher is capitalistic and such a gift is pitiable because it has no added value, but think about how many women would love to buy something, but their financial situation does not allow it. Maybe your sweetheart has been looking at something fashionable for a while bin, but for various reasons can't buy. Why wouldn't she made him/her happy?

Voucher for shopping
Voucher for shopping


You can't go wrong with jewelry! It is only important that you know what kind of jewelry she likes - gold or silver and whether she prefers necklaces, earrings, rings or bracelets. If you want to make your gift personal and heartfelt, then do it personalized jewelry, namely engrave an important date or name. You can do this in a jewelry store or order jewelry online.

Something he's been talking about for a long time.

Women are interesting creatures - if we like something, we will say it out loud. And we always seem to need something and lack something. It's up to you to do well you strain your ears. Listen to what he talks about with passion that he wants to acquire. If you think she's not that direct, she is ask about it, what he wants, but try to be discreet so that it is not obvious that you are not always listening. 🙂

If you are going to give flowers anyway, it might be good to know what they symbolize. Therefore, quickly click on our two contributions where we devoted ourselves the meaning of roses and the ten most popular flowers that people give most often.

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