
What to let go of in 2020 and what 2021 holds for you, according to your astrological sign

It's time for change!

Make room for all the good things coming your way in the coming year 2021. Cross out the bad!

In 2021, Jupiter and Saturn will be in Aquarius, inspiring you to create new visions and forge new paths.

From May 13 to July 29, Jupiter will enter spiritual Pisces, allowing you to make more room for creativity, inspiration, and compassion in your life. If you allow this, you can move into kinder and gentler times in 2021.

All astrological signs will enjoy optimism, hope and faith in 2021 - faith that they have what it takes to make something special happen in 2021.

Check what is good to leave in the year that is leaving and what awaits you in 2021.


You are tired of working all the time and want to make a bigger change. You know you have something more to offer, but past efforts haven't shown it yet, making you feel bad and start to doubt yourself.

It's time for change. You enter the new year with a commitment to give meaning to your work. You are ready to step up and put your energy into something that is more than just a job for a monthly income.

Let go in 2020: fear of recognition, restraint.
In 2021, create space for: new relationships, realization of ideas.


You feel like you speak a different language than everyone around you. You have different, unusual ideas that sometimes make you feel out of sync with other people.

2021 is the year in which you will be seen and heard like you have never been before. An idea you've been trying to make happen? It's time to make it happen. A relationship problem you've been trying to resolve? She will begin to mend. That solution you've been looking for within yourself? It's on its way to you.

You will finally feel that everything is going the way you want it to - with greater ease and acceptance. You no longer feel like you have to swim against the current.

Let go in 2020: resentments due to past misunderstandings. People have come and gone from your life and there is no point in holding on to certain memories. Let them stay in the past.
Create space in 2021: for yourself. Stop hiding behind your work, your computer, or your schedule. Show that side of you that you usually hide.


Creativity and spirituality are your priorities in 2021. It's time to open your mind and free yourself from limitations. The stars encourage you to do more, to do everything you want, or at least to try. Go on vacation, create, or indulge in something you find important.

The universe encourages you to honor your ideas and dreams. You will have many challenges and temptations in the spring. Trust your instincts and say no when necessary.

Let go in 2020: making excuses for being who you are.
In 2021, create space for: collaboration with like-minded people.


This is your year. You start 2021 with a renewed determination to reclaim your true spirit and live a more authentic life. New chapters open up for you, but the best options are the ones you create yourself. You have grown in the past year and now is the time to start applying the wisdom you have gained.

Boundaries and priorities will be major themes for you in 2021. Everything you do and achieve will revolve around your ability to play - by your rules. Ask yourself two questions every day: "What do I need time for?" and “What am I trying to achieve?”

In 2021, the sky is the limit for you if you stay focused and eliminate all distractions.

Let go in 2020: the belief that you have to be yourself for everything and that you must please all men.
In 2021, make room for: your mission. Focus on the one thing you believe you are best at.


You are on the verge of big changes. It is a long-term transformation that will not happen overnight. These changes will be especially visible in your career path. Speak up and share your thoughts. Have your say and get feedback on your ideas. Don't be afraid to step up and take risks, don't just play it safe.

It is not easy for you to choose change over stability. But it's time to realize that you've built the foundation you need, and now you have to decide what's next. Don't be afraid to think more and differently than before - you are ready.

Let go in 2020: old financial habits. Your attitude towards money keeps you at the level you are at. See how you can create a new relationship with him in 2021.
In 2021, make room for: more confidence in yourself. Stop doubting what you are capable of and start believing that no matter what happens, you will be able to do it.


2021 focuses on your social circle. Are you working with the right people? Are you building relationships with real friends and acquaintances? If not, you will feel bad in your relationships with other people. You long for new learning opportunities and experiences. You might go back to school or find a mentor for personal growth.

You won't make any special new moves in the business, although you can certainly expect a solid return on investment if you decide to invest. But outside of your career, your social network is just as important. Find new connections with people who inspire you personally. It's time to open your mind.

In 2020, let go: resentment and resistance. Let go of that old, tired energy once and for all. Stop going back and forth with toxic people and stop waiting for excuses that don't exist.
In 2021, make room for: more reciprocity, respect and openness in relationships.


It's time to make some of your dreams come true. You will be shown new possibilities that you have not even imagined. Will you take advantage of the potential that awaits you? Will you allow yourself to move into a new reality, or will you stay where you are? There is no right or wrong answer here – the choice is yours.

Just keep in mind that opportunities rarely come around a second time, and 2021 offers you something that could be exactly what you need. It may not come at the right moment, but it may never be the right time. So decide if you are ready to take the risk and say yes to a new possibility.

Let go in 2020: Relationships that drain energy. You've learned a lot this year about what you want to focus your time and attention on. Make sure you leave those things that suck your time in the past.
In 2021, make room for: secrets and adventures. Say yes to new experiences and see where they take you.


It's time to come back. The world needs you. The stars will encourage you to excel in 2021. Start that project or find a composer for that amazing song. Whatever you've been working on behind the scenes for the past year, it's time to look at the plan.

And if you don't have anything in the pipeline yet? Don't worry, it's not too late. This is the year to think about how you can use the creative genius in you, so start thinking. What do you want to do, share or show? Stop hiding and start creating. Your audience is waiting.

In 2020, let go: your shyness. Don't hold back any longer. The more you focus on yourself, the easier it will be.
In 2021, make room for: your creative passions. Choose a new hobby or take up an old one again. Make room in your schedule for inspirational pursuits.

A virgin

Inspiration flows through you in 2021. 2020 may have hampered your motivation at times, the new year brings a change of pace. You will soon have ample opportunity to come back to yourself and pick up some passion projects that have been shelved.

Luck and opportunity manifest through teamwork, so stay open to collaboration and social connections in 2021. Expect to meet the right people at the right time and trust that your own inspiration and intuition will lead you to the ideas you need - when you need them. An important plan will finally fall into place.

In 2020, let go: leave behind the deadlines you set for yourself and the pressure they create.
In 2021, create space for: lightness and fluidity. As you develop a better relationship with time, you will find that your life manifests itself in more meaningful ways.


The universe is putting you on some exciting paths this year. You'll feel more inspired than ever. You will come to some sharp realizations about what you are willing to achieve next. Embrace the unknown and be prepared for anything. 2021 is not a time for predictability or stable routines.

Be spontaneous, but only if you can balance it with your responsibilities. Pay attention to what you think, feel. Challenge yourself to break any routines or habits that hold you back. It's time to inject some creativity into your everyday life, so allow yourself to play and explore.

In 2020, let go: let go of the guilt you feel. What's done is done and you can't go back and do things differently. Rather, choose to change the course of your actions in the future.
In 2021, make room for: you are ready for a new way of working. Whether it's finding a new career or changing your current job, 2021 calls for a new work routine.


Freedom is your guide in 2021. Are you ready to move away from old patterns, relationships and career paths? You don't have to change every area of your life, but know that there is an opportunity for big shifts if you need change.

This is the year you might quit your job and start your own. Or ended a long-term relationship in which you no longer felt comfortable. In 2021, you will prioritize freedom and independence.

You are ready to take some dramatic steps to experience the life you long for. Take control of your life. You know yourself better than anyone else and this is your year.

Let go in 2020: Your mind games and power games. Stop dealing with conflicted people. You are ready for more mature relationships.
In 2021, make room for: a new sense of self. You are not the same person you were a year ago.


You will feel that life is changing rapidly. Vast opportunities await you in 2021, but you'll need to work hard to stay grounded and collected if you want to make the most of them.

There is a danger that you will feel like you are swimming and being pulled in different directions at the same time. Be clear about what you want. Sharpen your decision-making skills and clarify your priorities. You can be successful in anything you choose, but you can't say yes to everything. The challenge of 2021 will be to choose a path and commit to it.

Let go in 2020: the idea that your rest and relaxation should be secondary.
In 2021, create space for: spirituality and meditation. In the spring, you will have the opportunity to tap into a new spiritual paradigm that will help you connect more deeply and clearly with your path and purpose.

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