
Things to talk about on a first date: 11 must-have topics for getting to know each other quickly

Photo: Charly Pn / Unsplash

You've met a nice man or woman and they've agreed to a date. Will he/she like me? Will everything go smoothly? Will this date be followed by another? What if he's not the person he says he is? Such and similar questions fill your mind.

First dates are not easy. On the one hand, you should be honest and true to yourself, and on the other hand, you should show yours best features. You don't learn much about a person on a few dates, but there are still some things worth finding out early on.

The person you are dating should know what they can expect from you in order to decide whether they have a possible future with you, and you should know this information as well.

The following guidelines will help you determine what type of person you are.

What are your intentions?

On a first date, we usually don't talk about five-year plans or baby names, but be transparent about your intentions. Be honest if you're looking for a one-night stand or a long-term relationship so he won't waste his time and yours if his plan is different from yours.

Tell me if you have a child

In the beginning, you should be honest and tell the person if you have children. Additionally, find out if she has them too. If you decide to make it a one night stand, this information is not insignificant.

First date - full of expectations. Photo: Josue Michel / Unsplash

Same hobbies

Do you have a hobby for which you also need a partner? Do you play tennis or hike in the mountains? But he doesn't like it. He enjoys camping, you hate him?

An unconventional approach to relationships

Don't wait for another date, tell immediately if you are looking for an open relationship or if you are still living with your ex-wife. Maybe you want something new, in any case tell them what the situation is.

Where do you live?

If your relationship may become long-term, think about whether you are ready for it in time.

Important changes in life

Are you going to start working in a new place soon? Or are you going to get an official divorce soon? All of this is worth mentioning because it can all add up to a lot of stress in your life.


Some do not believe in God, for others it means a lot. If you disagree in this direction, consider what you want.

A different way of eating

If you are a vegetarian or vegan, be sure to say so. Don't let this become a problem when you decide to have dinner. Some get used to it and adapt to this way of life, others never.

Unusual working hours

Maybe you work shifts so you have the occasional night shift, you work weekends and holidays, or you work as you see fit - all of this needs to be said. If you have to be available all the time, tell your partner ahead of time to prepare for what awaits him.

Non-smoker / passionate smoker

If you are an avid smoker or can't stand them while the other person can't live without them, consider whether this will bother you.

Political views

It is enough for both of them to know what their views are on political issues.

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