Sea urchins, which are among the oldest animals in the world, often give us headaches - the stings of their spines can lead to infections, and in some cases even poisoning. What to do if you step on a sea urchin?
So far, researchers have managed to discover more than 1000 different species of sea urchins, which are distributed throughout the world - some of them linger near the shore, while others are found in sea depths. The species also differ in whether they like it more cold or hot water.
What can you expect if you step on a sea urchin? In most cases, the stings of its spines are said to cause sharp pain, which follow it resorting to, redness and infection. If the wound is deep, more severe symptoms may appear, such as muscle pain and breathing problems.
What to do if you step on a sea urchin?
Some experts say it's best to you are not doing anything, because the thorn should be eliminated from the body by itself.
Others say yes you remove the spines with tweezers.
1. The area where the spikes are stuck should/a immerse in hot water, which you can also add to vinegar. This way you will alleviate the pain and at the same time soften the spines.
2. Rana then should/should clean with soap and water (so you reduce the chances, to catch fire).
A sea urchin sting is not considered to pose a great danger, however, care should be taken when taking care of your health. If the wound does not heal after a few days, and the symptoms progress, it is time for a doctor's visit.