
What attracts women to men? (not the same as what most men think)

Do men really know what women find most attractive about them? Muscles, tattoo, smile, hairstyle? A group of men tried to get inside the women's heads, who tried to guess whether the women found the man in the photo attractive, based on the presented photo, which had already been evaluated by the women. It's an experiment by Dating Beyond Borders, where they tried to find out what physically attracts women to men and what men think women find attractive to them. Do they have a male distorted image? Check!

Web page Dating Beyond Borders, which supplies us with dating trends and tips around the world, in her latest experiment she focused on group of men and women from different countries, with which they wanted to shed light on the different perceptions of the sexes when it comes to physical attractiveness of a man. What is this anyway? Who's the bad guy?

READ MORE: 20 things women didn't know about themselves before becoming mothers

Do men and women perceive a man's physical attractiveness differently?
Do men and women perceive a man's physical attractiveness differently?

Is it someone who has sculpted body, who acts neat, who has an innocent face? There are women and men evaluated the same photos separately, and men had to rate whether women found a certain man attractive. You think men know what's on them a magnet for women? Hint: not quite. More findings can be found in the clip above.

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