
What would a perfect human body be without 'evolutionary errors'?

Human evolution is a very long-term process. Homo sapiens first appeared about 200,000 years ago in Africa. Since then, the human species has developed many adaptations to make life easier.

An anatomist Alice Roberts revealed the perfect human body to the public. Science Museum London and BBC recently asked her to shape her body by taking out mistakes made during human evolution.

If humans evolved as expected, we would have pointed ears and eyes wide open. At the same time, women would carry their child in the bags, such as can be seen in kangaroos.

Alice with her 'double'.
Alice with her 'double'.

Roberts is assisted by two experts in the field of creating virtual sculptures and models of the human body Scott Eaton and By Sangeet Prabhaker created a life-size model of a perfect human. Visitors can see the creation as part of the exhibitionWho am I?' or 'Who am I?' they look at the London Science Museum.

Pointed ears are not attractive at all.
Pointed ears are not attractive at all.

Model'Alice 2.0' contains robust lower back, which is characteristic of chimpanzees, and strong legs. The unusually large ears and eyes, as well as the sack containing the child, attract a lot of attention. As it turns out, we can be happy that evolution has made some 'mistakes'.

A bit scary, isn't it?
A bit scary, isn't it?

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