
What should you post on social media to increase your chances of getting hired?

Are you tired of your current job and longing for a new job? Vacation photos in which you're visibly drunk and posted on social media won't help you in your job search. But how can social media and your posts help you increase your job prospects anyway?

What kind content of posts on social networks will it help you succeed in finding a new job?

1. Music


Alex Boateng, head of urban music at Island Records, says he focuses on musical taste when selecting suitable candidates. He is more interested in the passion for music than what genre a person listens to. The label is primarily looking for people who are full of new ideas and concepts.

2. Interest in the field of work

Interest in the field of work.
Interest in the field of work.

Matt Barr, director of sports agency All Conditions Media, is impressed by those people who show a high level of interest in extreme sports on social media. Providing an interesting point of view in the debate on this topic will increase your chances of getting hired.

3. Active life

Active life.
Active life.

Lara Morgan, founder of cosmetics company Pacific Direct, values active lifestyles in people. Sports photos will never be superfluous. Lara believes that a person with the qualities of a professional athlete, such as competitiveness, is a suitable candidate for the job.

4. Completed photos

Completed photos.
Completed photos.

Rupert Rixon, founder of digital agency Perspective Pictures, is particularly fond of people who don't settle for ordinary photography. At the same time, he emphasizes that he does not aim at mastering the elements of photography, but at the effort invested in photography.

5. Marking

Serial entrepreneur Mike Southon is convinced by candidates who often tag their acquaintances under posts on social networks. In this way, he concludes that they like to engage in discussion, which counts as a characteristic of good salespeople.

6. Optimism


Dan Kieran, CEO of Unbound, likes to surround himself with optimistic people. With their thinking, the latter will significantly help in solving the crisis. Optimists often share interesting but hard-to-understand news on social media.

7. Hobbies


Andrew Reeve, founder of the HonestBrew online store, wants to get to know his subordinates personally. That's why he wants to know what they do in their free time. Nevertheless, he demands serious work from his employees during working hours.

8. Quotations

Scott Morrison is the founder of The Boom!, a creative consultancy. According to him, there is also enough space for quotes on social networks. By this he means above all the wise writings of poetry and philosophy.

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