
Here's what you should know about flying: Flight attendants reveal what they tend to keep quiet

The flight attendants have finally revealed the hidden facts about air travel, and we hope they've also answered the questions you face during your flight.

Anyone who has ever flown will surely know what flight attendants are responsible for: in addition to simulating the correct use of an oxygen mask and serving food during the flight, they also take care of passenger safety. Very knowledgeable about the course of the flight and the plane itself. That is why every flight attendant is involved in several months of training, in which he learns more about all the necessary information - and some of it can shock. What facts have flight attendants revealed that airlines usually don't want to hang on the big bell?

Flight attendants reveal some good-to-know facts. (Photo: IG @mary__acc)
Flight attendants reveal some good-to-know facts. (Photo: IG @mary__acc)

If the plane crashes, you will be notified.

If your plane is in serious trouble and there is a high possibility of an emergency landing or even a crash, the pilot will let you know. If you are afraid of turbulence and flying in general, now you can finally relax.

Pillows and blankets are often used more than once.

The harsh truth is that there is a chance that the pillow and blanket you receive in a carefully sealed plastic case have already been used and have just been repackaged. This of course depends on the quality of the airline. If you suspect that such a fate has befallen you, you can ask for a new pair of sleeping aids.

Flight attendants take good care of their passengers. (Photo: IG @allinagheorghe)
Flight attendants take good care of their passengers. (Photo: IG @allinagheorghe)

Jumping to the toilet at the wrong time can cause a significant delay in landing.

When the buckle light comes on, it's definitely not time to use the restroom. Namely, when the passenger leaves the seat during the landing, they must delay the landing for enough time for the passenger to return and buckle up safely. Meanwhile, the plane may lose free space on the runway. Thus, landing can be delayed for quite some time.

Do not order coffee or tea.

The water on the plane for making coffee and tea is not bottled, but often comes from the plane's water tank. And the purity of the latter is certainly highly questionable. Maybe you'd better stick to drinking bottled drinks.

Flight attendants say you should order bottled water. (Photo: IG @hostes_airplane)
Flight attendants say you should order bottled water. (Photo: IG @hostes_airplane)

The flight crew gets better food.

Flight crew get better meals than economy class passengers. Although this may not seem fair to everyone, it is important to consider the fact that flight attendants eat most of their meals on the plane.

The cleanliness of the toilets is not to be envied.

Many flight attendants avoid using the toilet on the plane with all fours. If they can, they wait for the landing. Every effort of a passenger to clean up the toilet after use is greatly appreciated by the flight crew.

Flight attendants do not get paid for boarding and disembarking time.

Flight attendants' working hours start the moment the plane doors close and stop the moment the doors open again. Flight attendants are not actually paid for their work in boarding and disembarking passengers, although they are required to be on duty at least 2 hours before take-off.

Flight attendants are not paid for boarding and disembarking time. (Photo: IG @victoria_chuvilova)
Flight attendants are not paid for boarding and disembarking time. (Photo: IG @victoria_chuvilova)

Flight attendants' sleep is often greatly shortened.

A flight delay is often just as stressful for the flight crew as it is for the passengers. For flight attendants, a delay means lost free time between shifts, when they could have had a few hours of badly needed sleep. And if we include the constantly present jetlag in all of this, flight attendants' sleep is rarely of good quality and efficiency.

There are always reserve flight attendants at the airport.

Additional flight attendants are always available at the airport. In the event that one of the employees is unable to take the flight, they come to the rescue. Reserve flight attendants must always be ready to be called to work at any minute.

Why do flight attendants wait for us on the plane with their hands behind their backs?

Don't worry, the flight attendants aren't really hiding anything, it's also not related to security. It all has a very simple explanation. Flight attendants must count all the passengers on the plane before take-off, in order not to make a mistake during the count, and they use clicker counter, a mechanical counting device that ensures that they are not lost during counting. They hide their hands behind their backs so as not to attract too much attention with this act. Sometimes passengers they count twice, the first time upon boarding and the second time when everyone is seated. Pay attention the next time you fly, because you might notice a clicker in their palm.

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