
What you really want and need in a relationship - according to your astrological sign

What do you really want and need in a relationship?

Do you know the situation of conflicting or not exactly aligned wants and needs? Of course, we all occasionally find ourselves torn between realistic and achievable and romantic fantasies that spoil our happiness and frustrate us.

How do you navigate your wants and needs, according to your astrological sign?


You want someone who gives you drama every now and then and forces you to deal with it. This gives you a sense of intensity that you equate with fear. And then he gives in and lets everything be your way.

You need someone strong and brave who walks beside you and doesn't hide in your shadow. Someone who does not give in to you, but offers you a real challenge, because he believes that you are up to it. Someone around whom your confidence grows - and not your ego.


You want someone who looks like they have it all, but still needs you because they're not really sure if they deserve you. So you can constantly be the one who loves more and gives more. He, on the other hand, will be the culprit on duty for everything unfinished, immature and immature in your relationship (and in yourselves).

You need a partner who makes an effort to get to know and understand you. One that earns your trust and heart and keeps both. Someone who is not afraid of your relationship, is proud of you and loves you as much as you love him.


You want someone who is everywhere and can do everything. One that is intense, scattered, scattered, sparkling and interesting. In fact, you want someone who is your mirror, but at the same time you are still mysterious to him, because you do not trust him with everything.

In fact, you need someone you can open up to and who will understand you. Someone who can help you channel and express your emotions. Someone who will deal with all that you are and who will love and respect you.


You want someone who fits your idea of what a partner should be. Someone you can change and build with your love. The one in which you see the potential, and then you just click on the button and according to the scenario, a fairy tale happens.

You need someone loyal and committed. One who is willing to do anything for you in the long run. Someone who makes you feel good. The one who will not interfere with your independence, but will support it. Someone who loves you tenderly and is very proud of you.


You want someone who makes things a little difficult for you because you are so divine and amazing, so your ego is looking for a person who is constantly feeding it. Someone around whom you will put more effort, put more charm, more effort to make you shine even more. One that will lift you up to push the limits.

You actually need someone to make you a better person. Someone who will feed your soul, not your ego. One that didn't challenge you, but inspired you to push your own boundaries and grow from within - to be able to overcome your ego when needed.

A virgin

You want a person who doesn't exist. One that ticks all the boxes on the list of features and standards. The one that gets out of your way and lets you control everything.

But you need a partner who knows and understands you on the deepest level. Someone who can follow you intellectually and spiritually, who can pull you out of your perfectionist shell and show you that intimacy is beautiful.


You want someone who just loves you and shit. Even if it's a person you don't love anymore. Someone who gives you their full attention and devotion without you even having to ask for it. The most passionate and romantic lover in the world.

You need a partner who appreciates your love and respects your relationship. One who returns the love you carry within you and who truly appreciates you. Someone who doesn't ask for anything in return, even though you're willing to pay them back tenfold.


You want someone you can't quite have so that you can constantly conquer and desire them. You want a game in your head that brings you strong passions and a sense of being free and a little crazy. Someone who makes you feel more important and valuable, who adds meaning to you (in your head).

But you need a partner who appreciates you for who you are and accepts you as you are. Someone with whom you can relax and rest, who does not provoke bouts of jealousy because you trust him with all your heart. And with that comes a tender and warm love that gives you real value. The one who doesn't compete and doesn't compare herself to anyone or anything.


You want someone who is constantly unavailable. Who will fill the gaps you feel inside? Who will agree without words to every adventure, experiment and madness? One that won't bother you and will only appear when you want it to.

You need someone who knows you, who gives you all the freedom you need to be who you want and do what you want. And when you meet such a person, you will want to commit and have them by your side all the time. Such a person reminds you that the real world is good enough and that you want to be a part of it.


You want someone who is the ultimate version of you. One who is extremely independent, capable, organized in all stages of life, meticulous to the smallest detail - perfect. That you adore him and follow him in everything, and you no longer have to think and invent anything.

However, you need someone who will encourage you to explore your freedom beyond the limits of your self-imposed responsibilities. Someone to step outside of your comfort zone by working on personal growth and development and finding what you really want from yourself. The one who has enough passion to warm you up and encourage your progress and ambitions - and only occasionally comes to the rescue.


You want someone like you who reflects all of your qualities, good and bad. Someone who is comfortable enough and a little distracted, who is good and sensitive and reasonable. Someone who makes you feel like your twin brother.

But you need someone who is not exactly the same as you, who is spontaneous and unique. Someone to admire and praise you. The one you have something to learn from and who can learn something from you. Someone, with a lively spirit, but also with different interests, who will broaden your horizons, and you will get to know those parts of yourself that you have not met before.


You want someone because you feel everything! You dream that someone inspires you, is your muse and serves you to rise to creative heights. And someone you could easily leave when you are no longer interesting.

You need someone who doesn't get in the way of your creative and emotional side, but brings a logic and practicality to the relationship that grounds you. Someone who doesn't mind your ups and downs. Someone who is happy to commit and is not bored. The one who is not afraid of your world of inspiration and enthusiasm, and who does not try to change you, but at the same time is himself and stable.

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