
That's what he wants to tell you when he places his palm on your leg

That's what he wants to tell you when he places his palm on your leg

Have you ever thought about what it means when a man puts his palm on your leg and doesn't want to let you go from his "embrace"? He wants to tell you one thing!

A typical situation: you are sitting in a movie theater or in a car and he places his palm on your leg. OK, it doesn't feel bad, but you wonder what does he mean by that.
Users were also interested in this the Quora website, during which an interesting discussion was ignited, revealing male psychology.

As they write, the field of interpretations is open, which means that his decision is yes puts his palm on your leg related to his experiences and personality. For some men, this can be a sign that they are possessive and they test your limits. How far are you willing to go? His touch suits you? Other men want to encourage physical contact in this way, which may take it a step further. Again, third men want release the tension in the air and get closer own female.

"You belong only to me."
"You belong only to me."

But only confident man, who sincerely love, want to show that with this act their woman belongs only to them – it is a protective act, with which a man says that he will always be by your side, he is yours and you are his.

His palm on your leg is the same as telling you: "You belong only to me.” Of course, if you don't feel comfortable, tell him that too!

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