
What does your attitude towards money say about you?

Money has no real value for some people - as fast as they earn it, they spend it. For others, it can even cause a feeling of anxiety, as they constantly wonder if they have accidentally spent too much, if there is enough in the savings account, etc.

In any case, the way we see money and how we handle it does not only express our financial situation, but also our personality. For example, what fears we have.

Money can remind us of our past

Some families cannot afford to buy everything their child wants. Maybe as a kid you saw a nice dress in the mall and wanted to have it, but unfortunately your parents didn't have enough money to buy it for you. Or you really wanted to learn to play a musical instrument, but there was no money for a teacher and additional activities.

They can leave such situations emotional scars and you may feel insecure because you've seen your peers who (in all likelihood) had these things. And you may have carried that insecurity into adulthood. And when you are financially stable today, you may have started impulsively buy things that were out of your reach in the past, even if you don't need them!

Money can show us what we think about ourselves

If you feel competent to handle financial matters, you probably are generally a confident person. You are not afraid to invest, you are not afraid of new business ventures, you are not afraid to deal with certain financial challenges that come your way.

However, if you are always afraid of losing money and therefore prefer to keep it in one place and not touch it, it could mean that you are not sure of yourself. If you can't trust yourself in more complex financial matters, you probably falter in everyday life as well.

Money can show us what we think about ourselves.
Money can show us what we think about ourselves.

Money can reveal our fears

We all think about how our lives would change if we suddenly lost all our money. And if you try to imagine this situation, you can discover your greatest fears. You may be worried about your health and losing money could mean that you would not be able to pay for certain treatments. Or you want your children to attend a good college and you want to support them, which at worst you won't be able to do. Maybe you've always wanted to make your parents proud of you, and you're afraid of disappointing them because of your financial struggles.

Money reveals what we value and what we don't want to lose under any circumstances!

Money can help us clarify our future

What you do with money can reveal your aspirations, but it also has to do with your past. If you dreamed of getting a toy or visiting an amusement park as a child, but your parents couldn't afford it, you might start thinking that you will NEVER be able to get what you want.

Someone who didn't have to worry about money and whose parents could afford pretty much anything is likely to be more ambitious. In his childhood, his dreams always came true, so now he is sure that he will be able to achieve everything he wants. Conversely, someone whose dreams rarely come true may grow up thinking that they will never be successful in their fields of interest, even though this is not true.

Early financial constraints can therefore hinder us from realizing our dreams!

Early financial constraints can therefore hinder us from realizing our dreams!
Early financial constraints can therefore hinder us from realizing our dreams!

Money can help us understand our mindset

Money may not be a problem for you. You have a stable job with a good salary, with which you can afford what you need or want. For some, this may be enough to make them feel financially secure. Others who are in the same situation, or those who have financial problems, may have a different attitude towards money.

If you always felt that never having enough money and having too many expenses, you may have t. i. "defective way of thinking". Even if you have nothing to worry about, you can still obsess over every expense you have. However, it can become particularly unpleasant if you have to pay unexpected bills, such as some medicine or the cost of a repair.

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