
A date: what does he notice when he first visits your apartment?

When the date comes to the house

Whether it's the first date or the fifteenth, we're always a little nervous when we bring new love home. Are you worried about socks under the table, hair in the sink, a dirty toilet, a messy table, dirty dishes, a collection of action figures on the shelf, maybe idol posters on the wall? Check what he really notices when he visits your apartment.

You know what are the things that yours fresh love first noticed when visiting yours apartments? What is the first thing that catches his/her eyes? Does he notice what the bathroom is like? Is he/she attracted to the smell in the apartment? Notice that the flowers are not watered? That there are no books on the shelves? That the fridge is empty?

READ MORE: New rules for dating that have replaced the old

In many ways, the apartment is a mirror of the owner or resident.
In many ways, the apartment is a mirror of the owner or resident.

These are all things that your crush keep noticing when visiting the apartment, how much/if something bothers her depends on the person. In any case, they repel photos, jewelry or clothes of other boys/girls. What else should you pay attention to so that you don't close the door on falling in love? These are the things people are most interested in when they enter the apartment for the first time your boyfriend/girlfriend:

  • Is the apartment clean?
  • Does he have books at home?
  • Does the apartment resemble a dorm room?
  • Is the room plastered with posters? Are they lying on the video game floor?
  • Does the apartment have any suspicious smells?
  • What's in the fridge?
  • Is he/she obsessed with order and cleanliness?
  • What is his/her bedroom like?
Make the apartment work in your favor.
Make the apartment work in your favor.

Answer these questions they say a lot about a person, so answer them yourself before you let someone into your apartment.

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