
When a man ignores a woman, he just teaches her how to live without him

"Never ignore someone who loves you, because one day you may realize that you lost the diamond while you were looking for the stones." - Unknown author

Many men believe that if they pretend to be unapproachable, disinterested, they will be more interesting to women. Unfortunately, they still believe that it will be easier to attract a woman if they give the impression that they don't care about her. They assume that if they will ignored, she will do whatever they want for them later.

Some even believe that if they treat a woman badly, she will give them even more love and attention. Men forget that such manipulative techniques they no longer work. Times are changing, today a woman knows what she wants!

A strong woman knows what she wants!

She has no time to play games, nor does she find it fun. If you are ready to be with her, to love her, be with her as you are. Treat her the right way, pamper her, respect her - then she will do all this for you. On the other hand, if she realizes that you are not openly playing with her, she will leave. She won't even turn back.

He knows that when you really love someone, you don't ignore them. When you love, you can't put love and feelings on hold because it doesn't make any sense. This is not love.

If she feels that she is not your priority, she will leave. Without thinking.
If she feels that she is not your priority, she will leave. Without thinking.

A strong woman loves to be loved and appreciated and that attention is shown to her day after day.

She wants to be sure that you have her back and that she can always count on you. If you don't give her what she needs, she will leave you. Without thinking.

Many men still think that they are not allowed to show their true emotions and feelings in a relationship. They forget that the basis of any successful relationship is connection and openness. And a strong woman appreciates his frankness, more than anything else. He knows that he can never have a truly intimate relationship with someone who is not sincere!

A strong woman wants him to be her partner open, friendly and vulnerable - with her. She wants to know his soul.

So men, if you want to have a real woman by your side, turn off your phone and focus only on her. Love her, spoil her and show her that you care about her, about her feelings. Respect her. Only then will she fall in love with you and give you all her love and attention.

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