
When a woman loves, she loves immensely, but when she leaves, she leaves forever

You didn't know what you had until she was gone

Photo: envato

Never let the person who would turn the world upside down for you leave you! We live in reality, not a romantic comedy. When a woman leaves, she does so because there is no reason to fight anymore. But until then, she will surrender to you unconditionally.

You never really understood what you had. You thought she would always be there, waiting for you, no matter what. But love is not self-evident, you can't lock it in a display case and expect it to always be shiny. The woman who loved you she gave you everything – time, space, support in the most difficult moments. She was there when the world broke you down, when your dreams fell to dust. She knew all your fears and secrets, but she stayed anyway.

When she finally realized that there was no more room for her in your life, she put her feelings away and left. You may think that you will easily find someone else. But soon you will realize that others only love you as long as you are perfect. A minor mistake, and they're already at the exit door. You will miss her presence, her small gestures, those little things that sometimes got on your nerves, but were proof of her love.

Photo: envato

One night, when you are alone and emptiness is your only companion, you will realize what you have lost. She wasn't just another woman. She was the one who would love you more than life itself. But then it will be too late. Women like her don't wait forever. When he loves, he loves immensely, when he leaves, he leaves forever.

She believed in you even when you didn't believe in yourself. She gave you time and space, because she knew you needed them. But no one can wait forever. Her patience has limits. And when she couldn't wait for you anymore, when she realized that you would never give what you promised, she left.

You will feel the pain of her absence in the smallest moments. When you hear the favorite song they shared, when you see a couple laughing and loving, you will feel the emptiness. You will miss her laugh, her touch, her smell. You thought love was a given, that it was always there, but you were wrong. SHE IS A DIFFERENT WOMAN – when he loves, he loves immensely, when he leaves, he leaves forever.

Photo: envato


When life hits you again, when you fall and there is no one to pick you up, you will understand. She was your rock, your strength. Now you are alone and the lesson was expensive. You can't turn back time, you can't fix mistakes. All you'll be left with is the bittersweet memory and the realization that you've lost what you thought would always be yours.

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